The incidence of COVID-19 in our country is decreasing, headquarters briefings return


Bulgaria is ranked 26th in terms of morbidity per 100,000 inhabitants of the COVID-19 population in Europe. Our country continues to successfully keep the development of the epidemic under control and does not allow to overload the health system. At the national level, the necessary resources for protective equipment and medicines are provided for a period of up to 6 months. This was reported by the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, to Prime Minister Boyko Borissov during a meeting of the National Operational Headquarters in the Council of Ministers.

More data on the current situation with the spread of COVID-19 in our country and the measures taken were also presented to the Prime Minister by the President of the National Operational Headquarters and Head of the Military Medical Academy Prof. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski, Kantardzhiev, the director from Sofia RHI Dr. Dancho Penchev, the director of “Pirogov” Prof. Asen Baltov and the Minister of Finance Kiril Ananiev, announced the Cabinet.

The Health Minister pointed out that Bulgaria, along with three other countries, is the only one in Europe with a negative trend of minus 6.5% in terms of new cases registered in the last two weeks. While for the same period the average trend in Europe is an increase of more than 22%. “The preparation of our health system remains at a high level,” Minister Angelov said.

“In Bulgaria, the implementation of measures to deal with the coronavirus is very well managed. So, for the moment, absolutely nothing imposes measures other than what we have, “Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said. The prime minister insisted that checkpoints would not be established and denied any speculation about the closure of cities and the introduction of new ones. Restrictions on people Borissov noted that countries with stricter measures than Bulgaria currently have much worse indicators than we do.

The Prime Minister ordered to resume the practice of providing the media once a week with updated information on the epidemic situation in our country in information sessions with a view to the appearance of seasonal influenza and viral infections.

“First, our health is important, second, to keep the economy running,” Borissov emphasized. He added that thanks to measures 60:40 and 80:20 nearly 300,000 jobs have been saved and he expressed special thanks to all the doctors, nurses, laboratory technicians and paramedics for their 24-hour care during the pandemic. “Increasing salaries in RHI and social services by 30% is absolutely done, deserved and appreciated by the people,” the Prime Minister was categorical.

During the meeting, Finance Minister Kiril Ananiev informed the prime minister that the draft budget for next year provides funds for vaccines requested by the European Commission, as well as a resource for the supply of personal protective equipment and disinfectants. . The payment of the support of 1,000 BGN to the front-line people in the fight against the coronavirus is also guaranteed, as the reception period will be extended and the scope of medical and non-medical personnel entitled to support will be expanded.

The President of the National Operations Staff and Head of the Military Medical Academy Prof. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski pointed out that the situation in the armed forces is also under full control, the spread of infection among cadets is not allowed and their learning process is on going. Sofia RHI Director Dr. Dancho Penchev reports that the situation in Sofia regarding the coronavirus is calm and regional health inspections are ready to provide protective equipment on request.


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