The Health Minister wants the state to be almost completely closed by Christmas


The Health Minister wants the state to be almost completely closed by Christmas

The Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, proposed a strong tightening of measures to limit the pandemic, but the decision will be made by the government later this week.

This came just an hour after Prime Minister Boyko Borissov clarified that the government aims not to exaggerate any measures. So far, the government has repeatedly assured that it will not shut down the country.

The proposal of the Minister of Health is to close schools, universities, kindergartens and nurseries, non-food stores, prohibit excursions and celebrations. So far, there are no restrictions on the activity of public transport.

Angelov demanded that the new measures take effect on Friday, after being discussed.

He explained that the first results can come within 8 days, but the effect will definitely be seen after 21 days. If they work, they can be loosened for Christmas.

“No matter how prepared a system is, it cannot withstand such pressure. Our doctors and nurses will not be able to withstand it. My mind and my heart tell me that we must take further steps to break the chain of infection.” said the Minister of Health.

He noted that checkpoints will not appear again at the exits of Bulgarian cities, after the measure has proven to be ineffective in diffuse distribution.

“We do not impose a lockdown, we believe that together we will impose it. Even if we fear for our income, we must make this effort to support thousands of our compatriots. Only alive and healthy people can raise a country. A few weeks of discipline will do it.” they are equivalent to thousands of lives saved “, Angelov said.

What are the measures

– Extension of the epidemiological emergency for 4 months until March 2021.

Suspension of attendance at all schools, borders and nurseries, as well as any extracurricular activity.

Stopping all group sporting events, congresses and privately organized celebrations.

Closing of all nightclubs.

– Suspension of the work of other establishments, food deliveries only home.

– Suspension of work of all non-food stores, incl. malls, excluding banks, insurance companies and others for weaving services.

– Stop indoor and outdoor excursions, without public transport.

“We must not exaggerate with any measure”

Shortly before that, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov commented that we should not go overboard with any action.

He gave this instruction to the Minister of Health and members of the operational headquarters against the coronavirus during a meeting on Monday, which took place in the context of massive calls from doctors and citizens for the imposition of quarantine for 3 weeks.

In a video published by Borissov of the meeting, he called for a balance between the preservation of the health system, the opinion of people who want to work and their lives, and the economy, without which the government cannot provide social support or vaccines. .

“There are two problems for us. The vast majority of people go through it easily. Two weeks go by, they come back and tell their friends, neighbors, colleagues: Everything went very well and they go to work. They think they have recovered and that they deserve normality That’s why about 50% say they are against the measures. This is the formal reading. From a purely political point of view, many of the colleagues were the first to initiate the blockade immediately. Look at the index. But also look at the number of recovered and how many have returned. Total mortality 2017, 2018, 2019 “Borisov calls.

“I absolutely agree with you that our healthcare system is fighting heroically right now and that is why every day we have 1200-1300-900 cured. The real problem here is with people with comorbidities, the elderly. I took it very badly. I still feel very affected. However, the vast majority of young people do not feel that way. Yesterday they said that with the masks we want to close their mouths. That is, on the one hand, we have hospitals, medical personnel who are exhausted, who are doing heroics. On the other hand, we have a public opinion that believes that this will happen or will happen easily. 20% do not believe there is a virus at all. Even though there are several hours in the media every day for the US, Britain and the entire EU. “he says.

“While for the economy, for the market, everything we have done to increase income, we can only afford it in a functioning economy. Because as soon as the vaccines arrive, God forbid they arrive faster, but there the figure will exceed 300 million BGN. Because we, together with all the EU countries, jointly participate in the procurement of the EC “Borisov adds.

Life and health have always come first, without measure we must not exceed. We must not worry people with any measure. Because immobility, staying home, purely affects your psyche. And we have to be able to explain why those who are healthy need to continue again because they are carriers. That is what must be explained and reassured people, the whole world is in this pandemic. “Borisov ordered.

Wait for details.
