The government declares a state of emergency from May 14 to June 14.


The government declares a state of emergency from May 14 to June 14.

The government has declared a state of emergency from May 14 to June 14, which replaces the current state of emergency. This was decided at an extraordinary government meeting by videoconference on Wednesday night. The Minister of Health, Kiril Ananiev, explained in a briefing at the Council of Ministers that the government is taking advantage of the opportunity offered by the Health Law adopted the previous day, which regulates the anti-epidemic, economic and social measures that will continue. after the state of emergency.

“The law tells us that we can temporarily introduce an epidemic of this type, we have considered that one month is enough time to see how the disease develops and whether measures should be loosened or tightened.”Ananiev said. According to him, in this way the government is given the opportunity to make a periodic analysis and change the measures. In addition, in most countries, the deadline for introducing measures was one month and then it was decided how and if to extend them.

How many new orders determine what is allowed and why not?

Ananiev is about to issue several orders tomorrow, which will regulate the measures against the epidemic, the passage through the checkpoint, the quarantine and the isolation of people in case of illness or contact with sick people and which sites will work and which will not. Ananiev said that in general, the measures that are still in force remain after many of them were already loose.

They will be transplants are allowed and free movement in gardens and parks. However, all the measures known so far, such as using Masks in closed public places such as institutions, shops, and public transportation, and observance of the required distance.

The restriction for the entry of foreign citizens in our country remains. It is also saved 14-day mandatory quarantine when entering the territory of our country from abroad. There will be no difference between foreigners coming to Bulgaria and Bulgarians on vacation in other countries. There will be 14 days of quarantine for everyone, Ananiev said.

Ananiev said that the extraordinary government session did not discuss the return of the old strict measures for more than 100 patients in 3 days, but commented that there were different opinions on the subject and his personal opinion was that for a longer period, for example, approximately one week.

In one of the new commandments Employers are encouraged to work remotely. as far as possible. For people over 60, working from home is also recommended measure.

An emergency situation is due to many unknowns.

Ananiev explained that the epidemic was proposed based on an assessment by the state chief health inspector that the coronavirus pandemic was a serious public and international public health emergency and posed an immediate threat to the life and health of the citizens.

Among the main reasons for the decision are that the disease is of unknown origin; there is no consensus in the scientific community to diagnose the causes of the disease; Outbreaks are widespread throughout the country, except in family and hospital settings, and in social institutions such as nursing homes; Specific immunoprophylaxis and drugs have not been developed.

A parent survey will decide whether to open a daycare

When asked if there could be predictability and clear criteria for taking certain measures, as in other countries, Ananiev said that in other countries measures and deadlines often changed, while the Bulgarian government preferred to monitor things in dynamics and react. right now. “We prefer to continuously, constantly and continuously monitor the change in morbidity and take precise measurements.”Ananiev said.

He gave an example that now, together with the Minister of Education, Krassimir Valchev and NAMRB, they are discussing the possible opening of nurseries and gardens. “We will send a survey to all parents on what is the attitude to put children in a nursery and an algorithm that all kindergartens and nurseries must adhere to and on this basis we will make a decision. You will probably want an exact date, but in we can’t give it this moment “Ananiev said. He said groups of a maximum of 10-12 children are being discussed. Currently 45% of parents do not want to leave their children in the nursery and garden.
