The first vaccines against COVID-19 arrive on Saturday, December 26


The first vaccines against COVID-19 arrive on December 26, between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. in Bulgaria, announced by the Ministry of Health.

They are expected to be delivered at dawn on the second day of Christmas after 7 o’clock at the Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases.

Will you be vaccinated against COVID-19?

As soon as possible

I am not scared

I’ll wait for time to pass

Only with the Russian vaccine

There is no such virus

We remind you that earlier in the day an order from the Minister of Health Kostadin Angelov became clear that since December 27, Sunday, immunization begins campaign against COVID-19 across the country.

Surgeon Slavcho Tomov: Vaccines are not created so quickly

Surgeon Slavcho Tomov: Vaccines are not created so quickly

For the first time, more than 43,000 people are participating in vaccine research.

The campaign is organized by the regional sanitary inspectorates. Vaccinations are done by doctors in medical establishments for ambulatory and hospital medical care, regional health inspections, by doctors in specialized structures of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defense and by expressly created mobile immunization teams.

On December 24, it was announced that an organization had been formed to initiate vaccination against COVID-19, which would begin on December 27 in Sofia, Plovdiv and Burgas. Starting the next day, it will be expanded to other regional centers. The vaccination will be voluntary and free.

According to the director of the Bulgarian Medicines Agency, Bogdan Kirilov, we expect 100,000 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in Bulgaria by the end of January 2021. With this delivery, about 50,000 people can be vaccinated, since the vaccination is biphasic. The second vaccine, that of the Moderna company, is also expected to be approved on January 6. The Johnson & Johnson and Astra Zeneca vaccines are in the preliminary approval stage. We are expected to have 3-4 vaccines approved for use in February and March, Kirilov said.

On December 21, in a statement from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, it was recommended that people consult their personal doctor if they decided to get vaccinated.

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What You Should Know About Vaccination: The Answers To The Most Important Questions

Does it matter which vaccine …
