The first country in Europe to be fully healed by COVID-19


The Faroe Islands are the first European country to be completely cured of the new coronavirus after the last infected person officially tested positive, according to Reuters.

Health authorities recorded the first case of the infection in early March and peaked a few weeks later. The total number of infections reached 187. There were no deaths.

The Atlantic state has a population of almost 50,000 people, of which almost 20% have been studied so far.

COVID-19 with a new black death record at 4:00 PM on May 10 GRAPHICS

At the same time, more than 280,000 people have already died as a result of a coronavirus infection, according to the latest data from the Internet resource Worldometers, current at 16:00 (Bulgarian time) on May 10.

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The exact number of deaths is 280,986 people, and since the epidemic began in December 2019, the total number of infected people in the world is 4,126,890 people. Cured by K-19 are 1,453,387.
