The CPC allowed Nova Broadcasting Group to buy Channel 3


The owner of Nova Broadcasting Group Kiril Domuschiev

Through Decision No. 735 / 09.17.2020, the Commission for the Protection of Competition allowed Nova Broadcasting Group EOOD to acquire exclusive control of the companies that operate the television channels “Channel 3”, “THE VOICE” and “Magic TV” and Radio Veselina radio stations; Radio Vitosha; Magic FM and The Voice Radio.
The Commission has determined that the transaction will have an impact on the following markets in the country:

– Television advertisement;

– television distribution;

– Internet advertising (online);

– radio commercial.

In its analysis, the CPC took into account the particularities and characteristics of the media sector. On the basis of the assessment carried out, the Commission considered that the concentration would not lead to the establishment or strengthening of a dominant position that affects effective competition in the aforementioned markets. Therefore, it could not cause anti-competitive effects in these markets and should be allowed unconditionally under art. 26, para. 1 of the LPC.
