The coronavirus in Bulgaria: authorities have ensured that there are enough drugs to treat COVID-19 – Bulgaria


Cabinet allocates 14 million BGN for laptops

With a decree adopted today, the government allocates 14 million BGN. of the state budget for the purchase of 16 thousand laptops – 12 thousand for students and 4 thousand – for teachers, announced after the meeting of the Council of Ministers the Minister of Education Krassimir Valchev. He specified that they should be delivered before the end of the year.

In parallel, the Ministry of Education will complete the already announced order for the purchase of 80,000 e-learning devices in Bulgarian schools. Funding for them comes from European programs, and therefore the procedures will take longer, Valchev said. He stressed that the devices will be used both for distance education (in case of need for isolation, for example) and in classrooms.

There are sufficient quantities of the drug remdesivir in Bulgaria to provide treatment in the coming weeks, Health Minister Kostadin Angelov said today after the government meeting, in which 2.1 million new BGN was allocated for the purchase of 2,500 medicine vials. According to the minister, a bottle costs 345 euros without VAT. Remdesivir has been cited as one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of COVID-19 in the world, and its popularity has grown especially in the last week, after the US health authorities announced that it was used to treat President Donald Trump .

According to the minister, the weekly consumption of remdesivir in Bulgaria so far is 476 vials, and 13 districts have reported zero spending on the drug this week. There are currently 1,779 roads in the country, which at current cost would arrive three weeks in advance, said Kostadin Angelov. He added that the purchase order for new amounts of remdesivir has already been placed and delivery is expected within 10 to 20 days.

The infectious room of the Burgas hospital is full

The infection room of the Burgas hospital is already 100% full: all 16 COVID beds are occupied, Nova TV reported. “The situation is serious. Our staff is small and everyone is extremely tired. There are six nurses. Several private hospitals have come to the rescue, but that is not enough. Most of the colleagues are on the brink and in danger of leaving. They come to us. most of them seriously ill patients, “said Dr. Rostislava Krasteva, deputy director of the Department of Infectious Diseases. The deputy director of the hospital, Svetlozar Georgiev, explained that in addition to the 16 patients with coronavirus, more than 20 people are being treated there with other infectious diseases There are a total of 146 beds in the entire Burgas region, most of which are currently free in Karnobat.

Controllers will sell tickets at stops

Everyone who uses public transport in the capital must have a valid transport document and a protective mask. Drivers will sell tickets at the bus stop to minimize free rides. Inspections will begin today and people who refuse to buy a ticket and don a mask will be removed from the vehicles and fined, Nova TV reported.

Coronavirus in Bulgaria: authorities have ensured that there are enough drugs to treat COVID-19

© Tsvetelina Belutova, Capital

The PCR test gives about 30 percent false positive results and it is unacceptable to quarantine people because of this. There are immunological, antigenic and other tests that are more precise and once validated, it should be considered which ones to propose for reimbursement by the Health Insurance Fund. This was said in an interview with BNR by Dr. Georgi Todorov, a laboratory physician and member of the Control Commission of the Bulgarian Medical Union (BMU), who today has a meeting with the Ministry of Health to determine the criteria by which GPs will be able to issue referrals for coronavirus testing.

“Criteria will have to be prepared to satisfy practice, not only laboratories, because PCR tests are not only expensive, but also very inaccurate,” said Todorov, adding that the average daily profit of laboratories for the tests is 200,000 BGN . . According to him, the combined tests (for flu and coronavirus) have not yet been validated and cannot actively participate in the diagnostic process.

115 acts have been written for not wearing masks in the subway

Intensified inspections continue on public transport buses in Sofia, so far more than 12 thousand vehicles have been inspected, BNT reported. The director of the Center for Urban Mobility, Dimitar Dilchev, said the inspections would be even more uncompromising and comprehensive. Only in the subway 115 acts have been written. Vehicles are constantly being disinfected, he said.

The regional administration in Ruse stopped working and the building was closed for disinfection due to COVID-19, BNT reported. District Governor Galin Grigorov and one of his deputies, Valentin Kolev, tested positive for coronavirus. They are in good general condition and currently remain in home isolation for less than 14 days. Today and tomorrow there will be evidence of your contacts. The information center of the District Administration will not work today either. The post of regional governor of Ruse will be temporarily held by the regional deputy governor Svilen Ivanov.

Shortage of doctors in Razlog and Blagoevgrad hospitals

23 patients with proven coronavirus are being treated at Razlog hospital. All of them are housed in the internal room, because due to the lack of a specialist there is no contagion. 17 people have pneumonia and are awaiting results from their PCR tests, BNT reported. All patients are cared for by only three specialist doctors and one non-specialist, and according to the manager of the health institution, they are in their prime.

The situation is similar in Blagoevgrad hospital, where there is also a shortage of doctors. The number of people infected with coronavirus is increasing, while that of doctors remains unchanged, and in some places even decreases. There are drugs for treatment, the most serious problem is the lack of doctors.

The economy will contract around 4-5%, predicts an economist

The economy will contract between 4% and 5%; This is the forecast around which most financial institutions have rallied. This was explained in the morning block of BNT Petar Ganev of the Institute of Market Economy. He emphasized three main takeaways from the forecasts. “The fact is that it is not as severe as expected in May and June, when we close. Second, next year we will not catch up, in practice the recovery will occur maybe in the middle of 2022. And third, these are base forecasts, if there is no new quarantine and severe restrictions on economic activity. If there is that option, then all these forecasts for next year will collapse “, explained the economist. According to him,” at this moment the purse is more unleashed and this is worrying. “” If we fall into the option of a new quarantine and inflating spending, then there could be a big problem with the deficit, “Ganev said.

Shumen hospital is about to close due to lack of doctors

BNT reported a shortage of doctors in Shumen. The patients in the infection room are more than capacity. Another sector of COVID is revealed. The number of infected doctors is also increasing. 39 are new cases of people with a positive coronavirus test. More than 400 have been infected since the start of the pandemic and 44 are currently hospitalized for treatment. Testing of 27 patients is expected.

A few days ago, the director of the Shumen Hospital asked his colleagues for help and described the situation as critical. The biggest problem is the shortage of doctors. The hospital is equipped with equipment, but it cannot be used without doctors. “The situation is critical. The hospital is about to close and will not be able to accept not only COVID-19 patients, but also patients with other diseases,” Shumen Regional Governor Stefan Zhelev told BNT. One possible way out of the situation is to include specialist doctors who have retired in the near future and possible assistance from the Faculty of Medicine.

New registry of infected

Again, a registry of newly infected – with coronavirus – 785 are the cases per day in which 5819 PCR tests were performed, or 13.5% of those examined were infected.

164 people were cured. A total of 1,307 coronavirus patients remain in the hospital, 64 of them in intensive care units.

8 people died in the last 24 hours. In Sofia alone, 259 of the people surveyed tested positive.
