The clairvoyant Gükçen with a chilling prognosis for the pandemic, politics and people after 2021


The unprecedented crisis of 2020 is over. It has been marked by a global pandemic, economic crisis, unemployment, protests and atrocities.

At the end of the year, a ray of hope appeared: Scientists came together and created a vaccine against COVID-19. We are facing a difficult year that changed us all, made us think about our values ​​and our families.

In this context, we wonder what awaits us in the next 2021.

After July 4, the world will no longer be the same because global change is coming. These changes start from 12/21 to 12/22/2020, because then we enter the Age of Aquarius. Such a forecast was made by the clairvoyant Iliana Chausheva, better known as Gyukchen for

By 2034, humanity will fight the pandemic. Then it will have passed. For another year or two, we have ups and downs. After the big closing, there will be no other in Bulgaria.

The business will restart in March and next year, in August 2022, people will stabilize both financially and mentally.

Will humanity fight the COVID-19 pandemic? What lesson did the dangerous virus teach people?

For now, apart from a pandemic, people are very scared and a poor 2021 awaits us. It is associated with political upheaval. After the elections, five parties will enter and it will not be possible to form a government.

After the crisis of 2019-2020, no matter what measures are taken, people will be very desperate. These political forces will no longer exist.

The virus did not teach the Bulgarians a lesson. They have not changed. Even his most aggressive features came to light. After July 4, the world will no longer be the same because global change is coming.

These changes start from 12/21 to 12/22/2020, because then we enter the Age of Aquarius. In it, spirituality, love, harmony between people will reign. It will take 10-15 years to change.

I don’t see this change in 2021 in humans. Malice is not an inherent characteristic of the Bulgarian. Like it or not, we will change, but this will not happen from today to tomorrow, we will need time.

Will the protests continue in the country? Will social inequalities between people deepen?

In the summer, we will be rocked by new protests, predicts Gukcen. It will be difficult to form a government after the elections. The protests will continue. The entire political elite will not have it until 2023.

The change began on July 4. People are already aware, they know that there is a problem, but it is not only in the politicians, it is also in us. Therefore, the change will not only be political, but also for the people and it will be lasting.

I don’t know in time what this money will be for some people who fight for money. What is for the poor will be for the rich. In 2021-2022, new financial shocks are coming. There will be a recession in the economy. The economy can restart in mid-2022 through 2023.

Will there be political upheavals and system change after the elections?

The spiral of political upheaval will continue until 2025. Until then, the political strata will change and new, young political leaders will appear to govern us. The main political forces will remain: GERB and BSP, but they will no longer be in power, as they have been until now.

Will there be new historic arrests in the country? Will there be convicted politicians?

This is yet to come. There is no evil unpunished. There is always paid lunch. Maybe they will pay for it too. 2021 is the year of transition. This is a strong year of human will and a strong year for the people, not for the politicians.

There will be great changes after December 22, 2020 in human consciousness, in the human soul, in human relationships. Now the changes begin. It will help us a lot to grow as people.

We are very good people, but globally in 2028 Bulgarians will be one of the most powerful and ruling people, because the Bulgarian is a smart person. Once these shackles fall, this stress that we are experiencing and for which we were not prepared, we will recover.

The Bulgarian is intelligent, diplomatic, has all the qualities. For five centuries they could not melt us, now for several years the Bulgarian will not give up. Now the Bulgarian has woken up and will go on and on, but this is a long period.

In 2021, there won’t be that many deaths. The main problem for people will be how they will survive and how to organize their lives. The change began on July 4 and now on December 22, 2021 we are in a new stage, the whole community, the whole world.

What will change globally?

There may be political unrest between Ukraine and Russia in March. There may be a partial closure between them.

In the United States they will fight to survive, because there the pandemic has suffered the greatest damage and will continue to suffer. If the pandemic ends in our country in 2022-2023, it will continue there until the end of 2024, and then the virus will be controlled around the world and a new beginning will ensue. Start today or tomorrow with us.

Leading must be love, harmony, the feminine principle, we must turn towards ourselves, overcome difficulties, turn towards ourselves and thus overcome difficulties and women must not pretend to be men.

Everyone will have to find their way in life, no matter if they are a year old or 50, 60 or 70. This change is a fact. In 2023, we will see that change does exist.

The EU will not exist, it will crumble in 2025. This is due to the political actions of politicians who will try to save the world.

I do not want to scare people, we will not die of hunger, nor of wars, nor of a pandemic. What is happening should teach all of us a lesson that we should turn to our families and homes, not to envy them.

If we change this, the whole world will improve. The world is ruled by a high political elite. They have yet to act on how to survive this humanity.

Will our relations with the Republic of North Macedonia be normalized? Will they recognize our history?

I don’t like what is happening because they are Bulgarians like us. However, some peace will remain in the Balkans. What is going to happen to us is to maintain this peace, regardless of the verbal skirmishes between politicians.

Will there be bloody terrorist attacks in Europe?

They will be partial, more in France and Germany. The Bulgarians are insured. Europe will fight to survive until August.

Are natural disasters and cataclysms ahead of us?

There will be cataclysms all over the world. We are still saved from strong earthquakes and bad omens. The year will be a little drier. There will be climate change: 1-2 degrees will be warmer.

Humanity is at risk for the next 25 years. We will survive. There will be natural disasters: earthquakes, volcanoes, etc. until absolutely everything is resolved, but these high-level politicians must land alongside normal people to be one and see how to help humanity and the universe.

Wishes to Bulgarians for 2021

Let the light into your homes, health, luck and prosperity. We are a tough people and that will pass. I love you and be happy
