The Bulgarian Dream – Poor and Simple with Drawer and Power – Opinions, Highlights, and Comments on Hot Topics


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Dear living compatriots! We are at a vaccination party and there is a great chance that some miracles will happen. So, like all of you, I have offered a few prayers to the old man with the sleigh and the deer. I have asked for two things.

The first is to be simple. Not just simple, but very simple. Remember those winged words: I am simple and you are simple, then we understand each other.

You may not remember anything else, but I have written this Prime Minister’s Act. What have smart protesting people achieved? Nothing. Boyko rules us again. The common man of Bulgaria has the best chances in politics. See them: Karayancheva, Zaharieva, Karakachanov, Simeonov, Sacheva, Dani Kirilov… Should I list more? They made a run. Tomislav, my inner voice tells me, was the brain of the government. Nonsense and myths. If Boyko was smart, would she keep him by her side, huh? Would it look like a fish on dry land, standing next to him on the wall of the dam? Man has long understood that the secret of success is to be simple and he does it very well. That is why we do not and will not have e-government for a long time. And rightly so, because for ordinary people, what is something so complicated for them? Where will the officers go? In the cow? They took them out of there to return them.

My second request, I hope I am not exaggerating, is to be poor. A poor man like Boyko Borisov, who said in one of his monologues: I don’t need money. I’ve had enough of Bankya’s house. It’s like Shakespeare wrote it, right? Well, he also nailed a rabbit in the house, but with golden hands, why not nail?

And no one can deny that his hands are golden. Doesn’t the drawer with the packages and bars prove it? Newton couldn’t think of a safer test! And the house in Barcelona? What about the 67 million that Skull claims he gave to Goran? If it were not true, Geshev would have already denied it, but shouted: I do not comment on the accused. It does not say “it is not true”, it does not comment. Do you understand subtle thinking? Don’t underestimate Geshev for that Mata Hari who was walking through Boyko’s room. He said that the prosecution could not find out who she was, and why find out knowing her? This is a strategy: he does not find her and Mata thinks that Geshev does not know who she is, walks freely, follows her every step of the way and pretends to be a dead fox: on the prowl, will some red sports fish fall? car. Goldfish, of course, Geshev does not recognize other fish. This story has not yet grown. Because, that’s what people say, it was not just Mata Hari, but also Stirlitz, Pink Panther, etc.

That is why I dream of being as simple and poor as Boyko. Not like retirees, who work for 450 lev, scientists and the howls of the dead in the villages. I’ll drive the jeep and hand out money, and someone like Sevdeto will take pictures of how cool I am and how much people love me. In the evening we will talk to Sevdeto by the fireplace about roads and connectors, about the exchange rate for gold and Russian gas, and the wood will crack mischievously in the fireplace and envelop us in heat. Blizzards and protests will not scare me, nor will any code orange, because I will be surrounded by the love of the people. Bulgarian popular love recognizes only the simple and poor like Boyko, and not various people who read Kierkegaard and Nietzsche, you know. It’s not that you don’t know where. On the other hand, a thought does not give me peace: what if everyone wants the same thing?

Dostoevsky writes: Money is even more vile and hated because it even gives talent. They can give it for life.

Our dream used to be liberation. Then to educate the children. So the dream was communism. She inherited the American dream: two and a half million left. However, for some time it has been relevant: poor and simple with drawer and power. A dream to see. Chicks get attached to it.
