The brutal cruelty of this doctor blew up the VIDEO network


A video posted on Facebook by Dr. Ognyan Pelov sparked a deluge of comments, oaths, oaths, oaths and outrage, writes

The video shows a team of dogs (apparently the dogs belong to the doctor), pulling … his cart.

We have heard of the dog sledding known as mushing. As we have heard, mushing often involves the use of animals for entertainment or cash prizes. We have also heard of cases of abuse and exploitation …

However, we had not heard of a hobby dog ​​team. Well that seems to be the case.

This is what Margarita Topalova wrote on the social network, who, like many other Bulgarians, does not want and cannot remain indifferent to what the notorious Dr. Pelov is doing with his dogs:

“This is just a small example of what is happening with hundreds of dogs. One of the things I wanted to emphasize is the upcoming team event from October 31 to November 1.

I cannot remain indifferent after what I saw this morning. Dr. Ognyan Pelov (a person with a large number of thousands of followers) posted a post, who demonstratively hooked his dogs to pull his buggy.

It turned out that this was not a necessity, but just his hobby. The video collected violent reactions from animal rights activists for an hour, after which the gentleman’s profile became invisible on the social network. I’m uploading screenshots of the wordy “show” but you can’t see the fear of the dogs.

Anyone who has been able to see the video will confirm that the dogs had their tails curled up and were visibly terrified of what was to come.
It turned out that Ognyan Pelov has his own group of dog sleds and not only that, but also participates in similar events.

I can’t help but wonder to what extent this is legal in Bulgaria and what kind of people have those interests. If it is legal … egati the country where we are … Come on, wake up now, people with a small soul !!!

So the next event will be on 10/31/2020. Are we powerless to fight something like this, which undoubtedly encourages the breeding and trade of dogs for exploitation and profit?

I’m not asking about the souls of dogs, because obviously only a certain group of logically thinking humans understand that they have a device similar to ours, the intellect of a small child, and a heart larger than a mass of wandering human descendants with little ones. ideals. “

These are some of the comments from users of social networks:
