The Bozhidar Karadzhov phenomenon in front of the BLIC with new sensational prophecies about the K-19 and the political tension in our country


They call him “the miraculous man”, “the phenomenal Bozhidar Karadzhov”, who defines himself as a mystical thinker. He has a master’s degree in psychology from the University of Plovdiv and a bachelor’s degree in economics from the Svishtov Academy of Economics. He claims to have an unusual gift, but whether it is a gift from above, responsibility or empathy with the pain and happiness of others is a matter of perspective.

He did not fall into a coma, nor did he suffer an accident. It was born with the ability to penetrate time and extract knowledge from channels inaccessible to most people. It states that everyone can change their destiny by about 20 percent and steer it in the desired positive direction. And this is where the power of clairvoyance resides: helping the process of making the right decision.

He does not hear voices or perceive images, but receives detailed information about the person in the form of thoughts.

For almost 10 years, Bozhidar Karadzhov has been working on a project to help children with autism. He is the only specialist in the world who has worked on the problem of indigo children, for whom books translated into English and Russian have been published.

A BLIC reporter searched the phenomenon for the answer to the most current questions that everyone is asking today:

– Mr. Karadzhov, your predictions, recently given to BLIC, have come true. At least until now. Would you say next? Let’s talk about the pandemic …

– There will be a new wave of K-19 in November. The unpleasant thing is that it will coincide with the peak of the swine flu during the winter months. If we go back in time, we will see that ten years ago in Bulgaria 5,000 people died from this disease, according to official statistics. And because the two viruses will combine and attack at the same time, this will lead to periods, albeit brief, in which our education system will shift to online learning. But these chunks of time will last no more than two or three weeks.

On the bright side, when forced flu vacations are needed in the future, we will have the preparation and experience to immediately switch to distance learning and not waste hours. Otherwise, the classical system will be the basis of the work of educational institutions.

– Can we talk about the end of the pandemic?

– For Bulgaria this will happen in January, and for the world, on April 10.

– Now everyone’s hopes are connected to the discovery of an effective vaccine. When will this happen?

– It may sound conspiratorial, but in my opinion, a vaccine that successfully treats COVID-19 has been developed since last March. I’m not saying that no one hides it, but there is still technological time, a long period of investigation and licensing before it reaches the health network.

– The question is when it will finally start to apply …

– I think this will happen next March. It will then be approved for mass use.

– Were you surprised by the protests?

– Last year in a television interview I said that in 2020 there are karmic riots in our country, so I am not surprised. Another question is what will happen. In my opinion, the protests will not budge. I expect a peak in late September. I’m not talking about violence, I’m talking about scale. What I anticipate is that we will spiral through parliamentary elections twice in the next two years.

– What future awaits our economy?

– Let’s start with tourism, one of the main and very important sectors. I’m worried about the fear that has taken hold in people. The pandemic will pass, there will be a resurgence in the next tourist season, but even the fear of the world and the reduced finances of the people will prevent us from achieving very good results in the field of tourism. And then we will continue in the grip of global stagnation.

– And when can we expect an objective and visible growth of our economy?

– Since April 2022. Then we can say that we will go up. Politicians can take whatever they want, but I’m talking about a real upward development that people can feel.

– Many people come to you every day for predictions and advice. What takes them? What are the Bulgarians most concerned about at the moment?

– Recently, work has been a great concern of people and has become a priority problem, even before health. At the moment no one asks me if I am going to contract the coronavirus, they asked me this question in April until mid-May, when it was psychosis. Now most are wondering if they will have a job and if they will protect and stabilize their business. For them, this is even more important, as I said, than health. Strange, but so are the facts.

– When you talk to people who are looking for you, obviously for something that worries them, do you allow yourself to be completely honest? Especially if you have to say something nasty to them?

– In more than 90 percent of the cases I am straight to the end. If I don’t tell the truth and warn of any danger I see, I will not be honest with this person. Then he will come with reason and ask me why I did not warn him. The good thing is that I do not have cases of this type.

– How do you see the future of the European Union, on which each of us depends?

– The disintegration in question, which is being talked about, is not relevant at this time. Despite Brexit and disagreements between the major powers, the situation will return to normal in the next two years. A crisis in the European family can be expected again in 2024.

