The BMA wants an urgent meeting with Prime Minister Boyko Borissov – Society


The Bulgarian Medical Union sent an open letter to Prime Minister Boyko BorissovBoyko borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borisov is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria. Born June 13, 1959. The BMA requested an urgent meeting with the Prime Minister and issued an ultimatum.

For almost ten months, Bulgarian doctors have been at the forefront, sparing no effort and showing stoicism, self-denial and sacrifice in the fight against the epidemic. Many of our colleagues are currently fighting for their lives and more than 50 doctors have died.

The BMA strongly supports the decision to tighten the measures

The Bulgarian Medical Union is closely following the measures taken by the state to deal with the difficult situation our country is going through and we believe that for the most part they are adequate and timely. We know the budget of the National Health Insurance Fund and that of the state for next year and the expected buffers for the fight against the Kovid-19 epidemic. The Bulgarian Medical Association is clearly aware of its role as an organization that must support the process of timely and correct implementation of the measures taken and their timely arrival to our colleagues.

Unfortunately, throughout the period from March to now, in the context of the thousands of marked destinations of Kovid-19, the management of the National Health Insurance Fund behaves as if there was no epidemic and neglects the seriousness of the situation. Each of the anti-epidemic measures, which is announced by the National Operational Headquarters or the Council of Ministers instead of entering into force as a matter of urgency, occurs with a very long delay, due to selective attempts at delay, bureaucratic approach and administrative obstacles by NHIF management. .

More than two months passed from the announcement of the decision to open Kovid beds in all medical institutions to the conclusion of contracts with the hospitals that until then had not treated Kovid patients. The reason – the refusal of the NHIF to enter into contracts with medical institutions.

The President of the BMA: The health system is busy, but it has not collapsed

The opportunity to evaluate all Bulgarian citizens with symptoms of Kovid-19 who consulted their GPs was also postponed almost three months after the announcement of the decision. The reason – again a delay on the part of the NHIF.

The BMA expressed its condolences for the next dead doctor

The latest measures announced for the economic endowment of outpatient care facilities: medical centers and family doctors, have practically been implemented only now, with less than a month left until the end of the year.

During our last meeting with the NHIF to discuss the work of physicians in the coming year and the parameters of the last Annex to the NDA 2020-2022, which is to be signed, many of our questions regarding the continuation of the measures taken related with our work and in 2021 we receive purely administrative responses “no money”, “it does not depend on us”. Behavior that is categorically unacceptable and is a mockery of the Bulgarian doctors, who are still on the battlefield, a mockery of our colleagues who are still fighting for their lives, a mockery of the memory of the deceased.


In light of the above, we urge you to meet with you urgently to share our concerns and concerns. We have a duty to ensure the safety and predictability of our colleagues. It is of the utmost importance that we enter the new year convinced that the efforts of Bulgarian doctors are appreciated and supported and that everything necessary has been done to give them peace of mind to continue the unequal battle against the insidious disease.

Otherwise, we will refuse to participate in the negotiation process with the NHIF and we will not sign the Annex to R&D 2020-2022, because it does not seem logical to us to hold talks and be responsible together with a country on which “nothing depends” .
