Taxi driver shot by 2 boys: they used a prohibited cartridge


Shooting: NOVA

The case is ultimately heard today

A taxi driver shot 3 years ago by 2 children who wanted to steal a car from his car seeks justice

The case dates back to the end of 2017, when the two boys, then 18 and 14 years old – students from the Yambol sports school – called a taxi and after asking the driver to put the backpacks in the trunk, they shot him in the back with a modified air rifle and a gas pistol. Despite serious injuries, the driver managed to get into the car and call for help. Today the case is ultimately being heard, NOVA reports.

I went to the town of Drazhevo to an address where two criminals were waiting for me, brutally attacking me, with a modified rifle, a gas pistol and a knife. One of them was with bags, they asked me to put them in the trunk. During this time, they opened fire from behind without warning. I tried to get out and run, but the older boy kept attacking and pulled out a knife. I threw him out of the car, set it on fire and left, ”the victim, Apostol Valchev, told NOVA.

According to him, the entire attack was planned in advance to steal his turnover. According to him – 52 cam. The boys even turned the air rifle into a firearm.

“They fired with a prohibited cartridge, which inflicts great damage when entering the body. I underwent many surgeries, I had a perforated lung, a perforated diaphragm, a part of the bullet also affected my heart ”, Apostol explained.

In the first instance, the boys received sentences of 6 and 16 years, respectively. In the second instance, the penalties were reduced and the injured driver’s relatives believe that this penalty is too small for the crime committed.

“I went through hell. I was with him in the hospital for 30 days. I am grateful that they managed to save him,” Apostol Valchev’s mother shared tearfully.
