Students from 5th to 12th grade: mandatory with mask and in class.


Middle and high school students will be required to wear a mask in the hours they return to form, reported by “24 hours”.

The Minister of Education and Science Krassimir Valchev, experts, unions and directors of today’s meeting, which lasted almost 2 hours, rallied around this position.

For elementary school students, the measure is still highly recommended for now.

Students will wear masks for no more than 30 minutes a day, Valchev says

Students will wear masks for no more than 30 minutes a day, Valchev says

Almost 59,000 are first graders this year

The continuation of classes must be with local decisions according to the administrative sequence – first the regional and municipal headquarters and RHI must decide and only then local decisions must be made by the schools themselves.

All will be included in the collective bargaining agreement teachers and staff who have had coronavirus are entitled to an additional 10 days of paid leaveto fully recover.

Diyan Stamatov, principal of the 119th secondary school in Sofia “Acad. Mikhail Arnaudov” and president of the Union of Employers in the Public Education System, said that all industry partners were very united in their position. The Minister of Education is expected to issue an order for decisions to be made in the coming days.

In class without a mask, in the playground, with a mask

In class without a mask, in the playground, with a mask

20% is the threshold for students to pass from the present way to the distance

Photo 505754

Source: СДСОРБ

Meanwhile, a study by leading education organizations SDSORB and SRSNPB on the attitudes of principals, teachers, parents, and students to wearing masks in the classroom shows that teachers, principals, parents, and students do not consider it appropriate to wear masks in the classroom in an early stage, and a clear majority of teachers and principals want students to wear masks in class in both high school and high school.

There is a trend towards greater approval of the use of masks in class with age.

Teachers and principals believe that wearing masks would make the school and outdoor environment safer. However, a lot of parents and students do not want students to wear masks in class in middle and high school. According to parents and students, wearing masks will not make the school and outdoor environment safer.

In all four groups, the attitude towards the use of masks is higher in areas with the highest coronavirus infection, such as Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas and Targovishte.
