Stefan Velev: Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) is in a better position than Levski


Former soccer player Levski, Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) and Slavia commented on the upcoming semi-final between the two teams. The midfielder is currently part of Sepsi from Romania, but he admitted that he will probably leave after the end of the season.

“The state of emergency is like in Bulgaria: until May 15, but there is always one thing. The deadline can be extended. To emphasize that the cases of contamination here are much more than in Bulgaria. The coaches and management have tried several times start but it didn’t work but I think we will start training on Monday.

Many clubs can go bankrupt. Sepsi has financial stability in particular, because the team is investing money from Hungary, but for April, May and June they cut our wages by 50%, which is not a good thing. We have to agree. There is nothing we can do. There is a law in Romania that is detrimental to soccer players. They can terminate their contract or receive a minimum wage. For this reason, bosses twist players’ hands. There are worse cases than ours. My contract is until the summer and it probably won’t be renewed.

An interesting match will be safe if it is played. I have my sympathy for Locomotive. I spent a wonderful year there. I have my sympathies with Levski, of course. I was there for 2 and a half years, in which I had good but bad times. I have no prejudice. The locomotive is in a better position because it won the Cup last season and showed some pretty good games. In Levski the situation is very complicated due to the financial crisis. Honor makes all the fans help out. That’s right! This shows that there are Levskarians who love the club and do everything for it. I personally don’t like Levski’s work, but he has his own guide. So they judged. They can win the Cup and eventually have a successful season, but I personally don’t like the game, “Velev told Sport.

Stefan Velev with the whole Sepsis match

Stefan Velev with the whole Sepsis match

The Bulgarian team reached 1: 1 against Botosani
