Starting today: Borders are closed, who can enter Bulgaria – Bulgaria


IN The ban on the belt to enter the territory of Bulgaria was introduced from today, December 1, and will be valid until January 31. The Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, issued an order in this regard.

The entry to our country is temporarily prohibited to all people, regardless of their citizenship, through all border crossings, by air, sea, rail and road transport.

This prohibition does not apply to:

a) Bulgarian nationals, nationals of Member States of the European Union (EU), United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Schengen Parties (including the Republic of San Marino, the Principality of Andorra, the Principality of Monaco and the State of Vatican City) and their relatives
(including people who cohabit with them); citizens of the Union of Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of Rwanda, the Republic of Korea, the Kingdom of Thailand, the Republic of Tunisia, the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, the United Arab Emirates, Ukraine, the Republic of North Macedonia, the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Albania Herzegovina, Montenegro, the Republic of Moldova, Israel, the State of Kuwait, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Turkey; persons in a situation of permanent, long-term or long-term residence in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and the members of their families; persons holding a Bulgarian long-stay visa type “D”, as well as persons holding a residence permit in a Member State of the European Union, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or in a Schengen country (including the Republic of San Marino, The Principality of Andorra, the Principality of Monaco and the State of Vatican City) and their families;

(b) medical professionals, medical researchers, social workers and their supervisors, when the purpose of the trip is related to the profession they practice;

(c) workers involved in the supply of drugs, medical devices and personal protective equipment, medical equipment, including their installation and maintenance;

(d) transportation personnel engaged in the international transportation of passengers and cargo and merchandise, aircraft crews, aircraft maintenance personnel, and other transportation personnel as required, including ship crews and maintenance personnel; ships

(e) officials (heads of state, members of government, etc.) and members of their delegations, as well as diplomats, members of the administrative and technical staff of foreign missions, employees of international organizations, military personnel, members of the security services and the public, law enforcement and humanitarian workers in the performance of their duties, as well as their families;

f) persons traveling for humanitarian reasons within the meaning of § 1, article 16 of the additional provisions of the Aliens Act in the Republic of Bulgaria;

g) representatives of commercial, economic and investment activities and people directly related to: construction, maintenance, operation and guarantee of the security of the strategic and critical infrastructure of the Republic of Bulgaria, implementation of projects certified under the Law for the Promotion of Investments, analysis on projects of potential investors and other activities of importance for the country’s economy, certified by letter from the Minister of Economy or another minister responsible for the respective activity, as well as people dedicated to shipbuilding and repair, as well as to their families. The letter from the respective minister will be sent to the border control authorities;

(h) seasonal agricultural and tourist workers;

k) border workers;

k) people traveling for training purposes to carry out activities for the end of the 2019/2020 academic year, as well as for training in the 2020/2021 academic year, as well as people who participate in examination commissions, provided that the exam cannot be conducted remotely in an electronic environment;

l) organizers and participants in international sports competitions: during the time of the respective sports event, athletes from abroad who come to the country for a certain trial period; athletes and coaches from abroad who come to the country to participate in training camps, relatives of foreign athletes and coaches, holders of a Bulgarian long-term visa type “D”, certified by a letter from the Minister of Youth and Sports, indicating the names of the persons and the place (address) of your residence in Bulgaria. The letter will be sent to the border control authorities;

m) foreign citizens, by receiving a decree under the Bulgarian Citizenship Law to acquire Bulgarian citizenship, certified by a letter from the Ministry of Justice;

n) organizers and participants in international cultural events – by the time of the respective cultural event, certified by a letter from the Minister of Culture, in which the names of the people and the place (address) of their residence in Bulgaria are indicated. The letter is sent to the border control authorities.

3. The persons included in point 2 may transit through the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

4. Transit passage is only allowed in cases where immediate departure to the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria can be guaranteed.

5. All persons authorized to enter the country in accordance with point 2 and who arrive at an exit point of a Member State of the European Union, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of a Schengen Agreement (including the Republic of San Marino, Principality of Andorra, Principality of Monaco, and Vatican City State), the Australian Union, Canada, Georgia, Japan, New Zealand, Rwanda, Republic of Korea, Kingdom of Thailand, Republic of Tunisia, Eastern Republic of Uruguay, United Arab Emirates, Republic of Serbia and Republic of Serbia The Republic of Turkey will be admitted to the territory of the country without the need to present a document that demonstrates a negative result of a polymerase chain reaction test. for the detection of COVID-19.

6. All persons authorized to enter the country under point 2 and who arrive with a departure point of departure from all third countries other than those mentioned in point 5 are admitted to the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria prior presentation of a document that shows a negative result of a polymerase chain reaction test for the detection of COVID-19 carried out up to 72 hours before entering the country, from the date of the study entered in the document.

7. The document of item 6 must contain the names of the person according to the identity document with which they are traveling, information about the laboratory that performed the test (name, address or other contact information), date the test was performed , written in Latin method (PCR) and negative result (Negative), which allows the interpretation of the document.

8. For the purposes of this order, the country from which the person arrives is the country of origin of their departure, regardless of the stay associated with their transit through other countries during their movement.

9. An exception to the requirement of item 6 shall be allowed with respect to:

a) Bulgarian citizens and citizens of other EU Member States, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Schengen countries (including the Republic of San Marino, the Principality of Andorra, the Principality of Monaco and the State of Vatican City) who are persons included in point 2, letters “e” and “g”;

b) bus drivers who carry out international passenger transport;

c) truck drivers who carry out or complete the international transport of goods and merchandise upon entering the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria;

d) crew members of ships: Bulgarian citizens;

e) persons under item 2, letters “b”, “c”, “e” and “i”, regardless of their citizenship;

f) those of short duration assigned by order of the Ordinance for business trips and specializations abroad of employees of the state administration in the performance of their functions;

g) members of the crew of an aircraft flying to and from airports for public use on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and persons engaged in aircraft maintenance;

h) persons passing through the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria in transit.

10. Bulgarian citizens and persons with permanent, long-term or long-term residence on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and members of their families within the framework of point 6 who do not present a document proving a result negative of a survey carried out up to 72 hours before entering the country. of the polymerase chain reaction for the detection of COVID-19 will be quarantined for a period of 10 days in the home or other accommodation where the person has indicated that they will reside, with a prescription issued by the director of the regional inspection corresponding health department or an official authorized by him.

11. The director of the respective regional health inspection may revoke the quarantine prescription issued for the persons in item 10, upon presentation of a document that demonstrates the negative result of a polymerase chain reaction test carried out within 24 hours. hours after entering the country. of COVID-19. The prescription will be revoked within 24 hours after the presentation of the document that shows a negative result of the polymerase chain reaction test for the detection of COVID-19.

12. The Road Infrastructure Agency will determine the place where the truck and the driver must remain until the corresponding prohibition is lifted in cases in which truck drivers transporting goods and merchandise to other countries that are allowed to transit. Through the Republic of Bulgaria, due to the prohibition of a border state with the Republic of Bulgaria, you cannot leave the country.

13. When establishing a passenger with COVID-19 on board an aircraft that has landed on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, the cabin crew members serving the passenger with COVID-19 will not be scheduled for the next flight to be quarantined for a period of 10 days with a prescription issued by the director of the respective regional health inspection or an official authorized by him.

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