Stanimir Leshev, only 37 years old, died suddenly



Stanimir Leshev, Director General of the Civil Aviation Administration, passed away suddenly on September 17, 2020, according to the Transport Ministry, and will be remembered by his colleagues for his exceptional professionalism, humanity and dedication.

The team of the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications offers its deepest condolences to the family and relatives. Stanimir Leshev was born on July 8, 1983. He received his higher education at VTU “Todor Kableshkov” Sofia in 2005, Bachelor of Engineering and Communication Technology, and at “New Bulgarian University” Sofia, Master in National and International Security in 2008 From 2007 to 2012 he worked at DG CAA as an inspector in the Department of Aviation Security.

In the period 2012-2013 he worked at SANS. From 2013 to 2017 he was Head of the Department of Aviation Security and since 2017 he directed the General Directorate of Civil Aviation Administration A tribute to his memory!
