Sold and returned children live like ghosts in neighborhoods without PINs or birth certificates (Video)


The latest trend in baby sales in Greece

and Cyprus is the mother to go through Germany first so as not

be accused by one of the organizers

    Rositsa Yaneva, Secretary of the Local Commission for the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings - Burgas.

Rositsa Yaneva, Secretary of the Local Commission for the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings – Burgas.

Years ago, one person took care of the whole scheme

The National Commission to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings has launched

information campaign for crime prevention

Children without personal identification numbers and birth certificates live in various slums in Bulgaria and no one can tell how many there are, a “24-hour” inspection showed.

They do not exist for the state. They are sold abroad when they are babies, but their new families return them to their mothers in our country, as well as the products ordered online.

With the difference that the procedure is illegal. Their mothers, on the other hand, refuse to register them in the municipalities and thus create a generation of ghosts that are not vaccinated, do not have documents, personal doctors, do not go to kindergarten and school.

There are cases of children who are between 7 and 8 years old and have always lived without documents or PIN. The only document these children have sold and returned is from the clinic in Greece that says they were born there.

After 2 months, the mother must return to our southern neighbor to receive a birth certificate for the baby. However, she does not do it out of misery and ignorance.

“These are cases

in which

sold in

child abroad

have a problem or

not the family

he liked it

and return them

There are cases of this type in Gorno Ezerovo. Social services are doing everything possible to legalize their existence, ”says Rositsa Yaneva. She is secretary of the local commission against human trafficking in Burgas.

This is one of the structures of the NCCTHB in the Council of Ministers, which on December 15th adopted the counterattack and protection program for victims of trafficking for 2021.

There are few cases of returned children and they are reached after the police have received information.

“A family of

Greece pays from

10,000 to 40 thousand


but a small part of this amount reaches the mother: 3,000 euros. Boys are more wanted than girls. The price of a newborn depends on sex, skin color and health, ”explains Rositsa Yaneva.

The information campaign on the trafficking of pregnant women in order to sell babies is one of the latest initiatives of the National Commission.

According to the prosecution, this crime is quite common in our country.

The sale of newborns is increasingly used to combat poverty in socially isolated communities. The intermediaries in the criminal business are well organized and manipulative groups. The number of victims who testify each year is between 60 and 100.

Most of the mothers who have sold their babies are silent out of fear and addiction and refuse to help researchers.

Complaints that reach the police are often withdrawn due to threats of beatings or money to buy the mother’s silence.

Families in Greece are the biggest buyers of babies from Bulgaria. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic

traffic is now

very limited

Thus, the future mothers, who were prepared to be taken to our southern neighbor, will not be able to finalize the deal.

“Very good police cooperation has already been established between Bulgaria and Greece to cross these channels,” explains Rositsa Yaneva.

Traffickers are increasingly being protected from prosecution and arrest. They are adaptable and often seek legal advice.

Pregnant women cross the border in different ways. Sometimes they go alone, by taxi, bus and even on foot, so that they don’t catch anyone who is with them. Some women who plan to sell their babies in Greece and Cyprus first travel to Germany and from there to both countries.

One of the new trends is that the head of the group of trafficking in pregnant women lives abroad.

The other members of the gang have no direct contact with him. In this way, traces are lost and crime detection is difficult. The bosses have lived in Germany for years and have a legal business there.

“Years ago, they acted differently. One person recruited, transported and organized the whole plan to Greece. Now the responsibilities are shared among many people,” said the expert.

The victims are Roma women. So-called operate in the neighborhoods. recruiters who monitor pregnant women. There are cases in which entire families are involved in the criminal business.

For example, the father is the organizer, the mother is the recruiter, and her children also participate in the child care plan. Arrangements for the sale of the fetus begin in the first months of pregnancy.

The future mother and the recruiter know each other well. The goal is to convince the pregnant woman that it is better for her and her husband to sell the child. Often the future mother’s family is poor and a gang member lends them some money. However, interest rates become unaffordable. Then a way out is offered: the family sells their baby to return the stolen money and even keep it.

“Some women repent and cry after selling their children,” said Rositsa Yaneva.

The journey takes place

in the last


of pregnancy

Upon arrival in Greece, the woman is picked up by another member of the gang, who places her in a bedroom. The baby’s birth takes place in private clinics in Greece or Cyprus. The plan involves doctors and lawyers from Greece, who help the traffickers prepare the documents.

The Greek father recognizes the baby and then the family adopts him. Immediately after the sale, the relationship between the newborn and his mother is broken.

Some of the recruiters have already sold children and know how the plan works. There are women who have sold 2-3 children before moving up to a higher level. For them, pregnancy is a business and their body is an incubator for money.
The baby business has developed rapidly since 2005. Then the first cases were discovered in Bulgaria, which remains a leader in this type of trafficking. Kameno is known as the cradle of crime. Then it enters Aytos, Sredets, Beloslav, Dolni Chiflik and Kamenare, cities and municipalities of the districts of Burgas and Varna. Since 2007, some of the organizers have surrendered or been convicted. Others go on and include new people in the scheme.

The blue-eyed children of a foreign client parent

Many women who sell their babies start out as prostitutes between the ages of 14 and 15. There are cases where they sell their bodies in Italy and then get involved in baby trafficking, Rositsa Yaneva said.

This is what bright blue-eyed kids look like in the neighborhoods. In the community they are called “outside” children. They are the fruit of a woman who sold her body and a foreigner.

It has been rumored for years that children are also bought in Turkey, but for organs. Eggs were also sold in private clinics. They are stimulated with drugs and pose a risk to the health of future children. However, these cases have not been officially registered.
