Sofia’s third metro line: the most beautiful and with the most complex metro stations.


Two of the newest metro stations in Sofia: “NDK 2” and “St. Patriarch Evtimiy” are performed by GP Group AD.

Both stations impress with their vision and are one of the most beautiful on the third metro line. “NDK 2” has a modernist vision, and the stylized Bulgarian embroidery is the accent in the interior of “St. Partriarca Eutimio”.
The construction of the two metro stations began in January 2016 and lasted until December 2019, or almost 4 years. The construction of the NDK 2 metro station uses the so-called Milan construction method: construction is top-down. First, the reinforcing structure is built, in this case slotted walls, then the roof slabs, followed by excavation work underneath them and the execution of the internal structure.

To reduce

the downside of

Sofianos at that time

of construction,

we make complex


organization of

the movement

in the middle

– Two-way traffic on Vasil Levski Blvd., included in the tunnel under the National Palace of Culture, as well as change of routes and implementation of new trolleybus routes. “After we built the roof tiles for the subway station, traffic was restored on Patriarch Evtimiy Blvd.” said Stefan Chonkov, Metrostroitelstvo project manager at GP Group AD.

The biggest challenges during construction were the complex hydrogeological conditions and the passage of the TBM through the metro stations.

Otherwise, the subway station “NDK 2” is one of the deepest on the third line. It is 24 meters underground. The reason is that there is a connection to the second metro line and the station is located below the other – “National Palace of Culture”. The length is 120 m, there are two lobbies, and the east makes the connection to the underpass and the NDK station entrances from the second subway line.

The western lobby is served from two entrances to the garden of the “St. Georgi” church. The station has 8 escalators and 5 elevators, which give access to the lobbies and both platforms. The floors and ceilings are decorated in light neutral colors , while the walls – contrasting, those of the south are white and those of the north are mustard.

An effective lighting solution makes the vision of the station very modern and different from all the others.
Quite complicated
for implementation is
was the other
Metro station
– “St. Patriarch Euthymius”, built by GP Group.

The reason is the location of the station, which is in the center, located on the boulevard of the same name between Vasil Levski Blvd. and Khan Krum St. Therefore, the main factor for GP Group in the choice of construction technology it was the reason for the fastest possible recovery of traffic in the area, which was difficult during construction.

It is also built with the “Milan” method.

“In the station area we had to relocate the underground infrastructure, including plumbing, electricity, low current, heating and other networks. The geological and hydrogeological conditions of the area are very severe.
I had to
executable jet
injection under
the level of
boards in
the station. yes
water inlet
and we build the structures, ”says Chonkov.
Otherwise, the “St. Patriarch Evtimiy” metro station has a lobby, and the entrances to it are in front of the Notary, in front of the Bulgartabac building and in front of the Odeon cinema. It is 131.7 m long by 18.5 m wide, 21 m deep and two lateral platforms.

The vision of the station is the work of an arch. Irena Derlipanska. His idea is that the Bulgarian embroidery is the main motif of the interior. These elements are made up of a colorful glass ceramic mosaic. It can be seen in different areas of the station: subways, lobby and on the platforms themselves. The floor and the cladding are granite, granite, glass ceramic and clinker. The ceilings are resolved with etalbond slats in two colors and coffered aluminum panels. The lighting is diode, discreet in its main part, with large accentuated, ring-type ceilings.

In addition to these stations, the company
He is also an interpreter of
one of the four in
Ovcha Kupel neighborhood,
part of the third
subway line,
which will be
open in
early 2021
The Ovcha Kupel station is located on President Lincoln Blvd. west of its intersection with Ovcha Kupel Blvd. It is 108 m long and 13.5 m deep, has two lobbies, one with 3 entrances and the other with two. “The greatest difficulties in construction were related to the high level of groundwater in the section, as well as the torrential rains during construction. Otherwise
it’s solved
in black and white
as a reference
to the seeker
close to the stadium

The cladding and flooring are granite and granite, and the suspended ceilings are etalbond. The metro station is completely finished and tests of the various systems are already underway there, ”said Chonkov.
This is the eighth metro station in Sofia, built by GP Group.
The company also owns the “Nadezhda”, “Beli Dunav”, “Sofia Airport”, “Alexander Malinov” and “Vitosha” stations.

In May 2021, the builders of the Zheleznitsa tunnel will meet on both sides

Builders excavating the Zheleznitsa tunnel on the Struma highway started this activity in October 2019, and workers from both countries are expected to meet in April and May next year, the parent company GP Group announced. contractor for the site in a consortium with Global Construction and Via Plan.

Work is still ongoing to excavate the two pipes. On the north side there are 682 meters in the right pipe and 670 in the left pipe of the tunnel, and in the south, 788 meters in the left pipe and 698 meters in the right pipe.

The total length of this tunnel will be about 2 kilometers, which makes it the largest in Bulgaria. It is also the first road tunnel to be built in Bulgaria in a long time. Regarding its technical indicators, the Zheleznitsa tunnel exceeds the facilities built on our roads. Currently, the Trakia and Hemus tunnels are undergoing major repairs to meet the latest European safety requirements, while in Zheleznitsa these requirements are part of the project itself.

First of all, the tunnel is dug along the so-called “New Austrian Method” in two parts: kalota and stross. This method is based on controlled deformations. The main thing is that the rock mass from a load-bearing element through a suitable coating becomes a bearing element of the structure.

The choice of this method was highly appropriate due to the conditions in which the facility is built. According to the builders, during the excavation they passed and continue to experience extremely unfavorable and complex geological conditions. The rocks through which the tunnel is excavated are very cracked and with an irregular geological structure. The presence of groundwater in some areas has an additional adverse effect.

Ultimately, however, after commissioning, this will be the most modern facility of its kind in the country. It will have modern ventilation, electricity, lighting and water supply systems.
The security systems will be built on several levels and will include fire alarm, fire suppression, video surveillance, audio notification, security system, GSM and radio communication, geotechnical monitoring and intelligent transportation system.

The intelligent transport system consists of controllable road signs and signals, traffic lights, sensors to control traffic and vehicle dimensions, as well as barriers. All this in synchronization with the rest of the tunnel systems will allow to control and guarantee safe movement in it. In each pipe, for example, there will be 11 SOS emergency niches equipped with fire extinguishers and emergency contact telephones.

The electronic access control system will allow the supervision and protection of the technical installations of the north and south portal of the tunnel, of the emergency stations, as well as of the evacuation doors of the crossings. All these elements are connected in a single central control system.

The two tunnel conduits will have two cross-sectional road connections with a length of 18 meters and four cross-sectional pedestrian galleries. These emergency galleries will be used in the event of a traffic accident or the closure of one of the two tunnel pipes for another reason.
