Sofia’s new deputy mayor for digitization is a former Republican karate champion


In 2007, Gencho Kerezov was elected young mayor of Stara Zagora.

Republican Karate Champion Kyokushin and Black Belt is the new Deputy Mayor of Sofia. Gencho Kerezov took over the direction “Digitization, innovation and economic development” in early September, two weeks before his 30th birthday.

Here it is at the GITEX World Technology Exhibition in Dubai in 2019.

Here it is at the GITEX World Technology Exhibition in Dubai in 2019. PHOTO: Personal file

Sporting success is far from the only thing that the young and ambitious Fandakova MP can boast about. More from the student bank –

Kerezov in front of the Dramatic Theater

Kerezov in front of the Geo Milev Dramatic Theater in Stara Zagora during the International Student Theater Festival, which his company supports. PHOTO: Personal file

only 22 years old,

Gencho Kerezov

Gencho Kerezov PHOTO: Velislav Nikolov

start work



in Allianz Bulgaria. There he trains business processes for much older employees of the company: 40, 50 and even 60 years old. In just 6 months, the company’s management in Munich noticed the young man’s abilities and assigned him even greater responsibilities: managing various work processes and subsequently complete projects related to the transformation of various structures.

“This was the first clash with changing employee habits and regulations. I had to decide how, for example, to provide up-to-date information to our business structures, while maintaining the integrity of the data under which the client has signed. At 25 Years ago I became the head of the entire sales channel development and training unit of the company, which is directly subordinate to the board of directors. Then I began to work directly with the top managers, managing billions, “says Kerezov.

The board then decided to invest in him and sent him to study at a private school in Trieste, Italy – MIB School of Management, where he completed a master’s degree in “Insurance and Risk Management”. Otherwise, he previously graduated in international economic relations from the University of National and World Economy. In Trieste, Europe’s leading insurance and consulting companies sent staff to prepare them for senior management positions. After 6 months, there are 6 more in Munich at the Allianz headquarters. There, Kerezov spent an internship, which is part of the training.

“I worked on a major project for Central and Eastern Europe for 15 billion euros: a partnership with a large banking institution. Then I had to decide whether to continue working there or to return to Bulgaria. And I decided to come back here,” explains Kerezov.

Although he is a native of Stara Zagora, he chooses to live in Sofia. And so for 12 years, during which he loved the capital. You are drawn to the charm and development opportunities that Sofia offers.

“The experience in Munich was very interesting. I saw what I was trying hard for: what is the job in the highest floors of the corporate world. But frankly, these were my unhappiest months. I realized that success and money they are not what makes a person happy. I think this is a generational trait that my colleagues and I have: when we were 20 years old, many of us understood what it took 50-60 for previous generations, that the quality of life that you carry is much more important. When I came back here, first I needed to take care of my health, because I had managed to get into trouble. Then the idea of ​​having a business came up, “said the deputy mayor of Sofia.

His friend was the engine. So they created a company for digital marketing and multi-company branding –

“We started with a few small clients and eventually

we have to


brands and greats



We have earned a reputation as a partner that achieves results, ”says Kerezov, making no secret that in his first year as an entrepreneur his company achieved 6-digit turnover.

When asked why he quit the successful business to come to the municipality, Kerezov explained that he always had a position in public affairs. You promised that one day you would contribute to improving the environment in which we live. But he thought it would happen in 20 years. Suddenly, the plan was sped up after a call from the mayor’s office. Before that, they met with Yordanka Fandakova at events and discussed issues related to the digitization of the municipality. Then came the offer to join his team. We were looking for a person who knew the technology, but also the ability to carry out the organizational transformation of the municipality. The second, according to Kerezov, is the most difficult task because “we need to change the habits of the administration and provide solutions that are convenient for citizens and businesses.”

Otherwise, Kerezov made the decision to quit his own business quickly, but not easily.

“I have a clear personal reason. As a student I was an athlete. I became a Kyokushin Republican Champion. But I’m most proud that, as an assistant coach, I put three Republican champions in the ring.” Since then, I know that behind the scenes, and not in front, I am better, “said Kerezov.

He also participated in various youth organizations. First, as a student in 2007 he was elected young mayor of Stara Zagora, then he was active as a student. These activities helped him acquire organizational and administrative skills.

“The difficulty was whether to maintain my way of life, the distribution of time, which depended entirely on me, working with creative people and until now with the most innovative brains in our country. However, I was reassured that there was someone to leave the company to, and I realized that

even only 3 years yes

I am in this post,

I’ll be 33 now

I did everything

If I can help us to live better, it will be a great satisfaction. And when a person is confident in himself and in his abilities, he knows that he can do business successfully again, “Kerezov is convinced.

He is currently working on a roadmap for the implementation of Sofia’s digital transformation strategy, which he will present to the SOC soon. During a month in office, he formed a digital board of advisers to help, because “there must be experts who, if you share an idea, they will immediately echo you to see if you are on the right track.”

He is also responsible for the voting system under the latest municipal program “Sofia elects”: the citizens of Sofia will vote to choose which small town projects the municipality will implement next year. The voting system will be easy: geolocation will be required to make sure the vote is from Sofia and a phone number to identify that a person has voted once.

Among the most important tasks for Kerezov, which Fandakova assigned him, is


electronic system

for admission to the first degree,

it should be ready for spring. “You must complete the admission system for day care centers and kindergartens. The system will be universal and from end to end everything will happen electronically. This will make things easier for parents, they will no longer go around schools, stand in line and hand over documents, ”emphasizes Kerezov.

According to him, for the transformation of Sofia into a smart municipality, digitization and technology are only 30% of the work and 70%, the administrative reform that must be carried out.

“Until now, it has never been necessary for a municipality to be so flexible in terms of the digital services it provides for itself. IT was part of the administration only as a support: cables, computers, Internet. Now it is necessary for public bodies, such as companies, to transform a few years ago, to work flexibly, efficiently and with the highest degree of accountability. My goal is for the Information Technology Directorate to provide services to other municipal units and district administrations. Unify so that citizens can learn about familiar things, whether they come to the municipality for a service or in their area. If you want, let’s create a common brand. So the first step is to facilitate communication with the municipality for citizens and businesses and the second is to organize our own work to provide quality services, “said Kerezov.
