Sofians are the best paid, they refuse to work for less than BGN 1,000 and without social benefits


They get more in the IT sector, where salaries are around BGN 4,000.

The coronary crisis cut 15,000 people

The Sofians want a salary of at least BGN 1,000 net, social benefits and they refuse to work in another city. They keep their work hours part-time or reduced to have more free time. These are part of the conditions that the unemployed place in labor offices.

Average salary

in the capital in

March is 1,841 BGN, although at that time a state of emergency was declared. It is BGN 75 more than the previous month. For one year, the average salary has increased by 117 BGN.

A total of 15,785 jobs have been announced in the capital since the beginning of the year, according to data from the Employment Agency. They are about 5,479 less than the previous year, which can be explained by the economic crisis and the closure of many businesses, experts explain.

Most of the people are in demand in the sector “Administrative activities and support services”, followed by the sector “Commerce” and “Hotels and restaurants”.

In the Commerce sector, the average salary advertised for hypermarkets is BGN 1250-1350. In smaller chain stores, BGN 1000-1200.

In schools, the advertised jobs are for teachers with a minimum salary of BGN 920, but additional money is awarded for time served, as well as bonuses. A minimum wage of BGN 610 was announced for hygienists at the school.

In the field of restaurants and hotels, salaries range from 800 to 1200 BGN.

In the construction sector, salaries are very different and vary between BGN 1,000 and 3,000, depending on whether the sites are located in Bulgaria or an EU country.

Medical personnel do not stay long in employment offices. “For the short stay, they receive several offers from which they can choose. Offers abroad are usually attractive to them. In Germany, the average salary of a nurse is 5,000 – 6,000 euros,” the experts gave as an example.

The highest advertised salaries, around BGN 4,000, are in the field of information technology, software development, analytics software, commerce, in the field of medicine and sales representatives of pharmaceutical products.

“There is no rotation in these areas, because high salaries and social packages are offered,” explained the experts from the Sofia labor offices.

By the end of July, 15,488 people had started working.

Keep in mind that more than 60% are professionals who do not want to commit and accept lower-skilled positions, said the labor offices.

The unemployed with

higher education

in the capital are 39.3%

towards the end of July. While its participation in the country is three times lower -14.9%.

About 15,000 workers in Sofia have been laid off due to the pandemic.

Most of them belong to the sectors “Hotels and restaurants, tourism”, followed by “Commerce”, “Manufacturing” and “Other activities”.

Since the start of the pandemic, some 11,000 people have started working in Sofia.

Between 10 and 25%

they have returned to

your old places

More than 52,000 people have kept their jobs under the 60/40 scheme.

Under the new version of the measure, 1,096 applications were submitted for 21,763 people. So far, 379 applications have been approved for 8,204 workers.

The Sofia Municipal Investment Agency helps staff to
find a dream job

More than 5,000 qualified employees meet 200
of the largest national companies at Career Show 2020

Sofia Municipal Agency for Privatization and Investment is the official partner of the Career Show 2020 Qualified Personnel Forum.

The event will take place on November 24, 2020 at Arena Armeec Hall and on November 25 online.

More than 5,000 qualified employees are expected to contact 200 of the largest companies in Bulgaria.

The event in the Arena Armeec pavilion will be held in accordance with all measures against the epidemic.

Employers will have the opportunity to meet in person with shortlisted candidates.

The online event on November 25, which will feature qualified staff from across the country and Europe, will use a modern matchmaking system that allows detailed filtering of candidates by criteria and preset personal video interviews.

The forum is extremely important in the COVID-19 situation. According to the latest analysis, Sofia has been dealing with the situation until now. Both IT services and the retail sector were relatively stable. The crisis in tourism and related service sectors, as well as the cultural sector, continues to be the most affected.

The Sofia Municipal Agency for Privatization and Investment continues to be in a position to support the stabilization process of the city’s economy and support small and medium-sized enterprises.
