Slavi harshly criticized Borisov and the general and asked about the autopsies.


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Slavi attacked the national operational headquarters for the last time. He believes that there are no people who died directly from the coronavirus and suspects that the Prime Minister and Headquarters are creating misinformation to create fear and panic in the population. It uses a quote from a prominent Bulgarian doctor who claims that people die with coronavirus, not coronavirus.

Here is the full text of Slavi, posted on social media:

I read an interview with a Bulgarian doctor. But not just any Bulgarian doctor, but Dr. Stoyan Aleksov. This person is president of the Bulgarian Pathology Association and as such participates in a seminar of the European Pathology Association.

This respected specialist categorically declares:

“People die with coronaviruses, not with coronaviruses!”

Dr. Stoyan Aleksov quotes pathologists from Switzerland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and states that the coronavirus is not fatal. And that no one has died of a coronavirus!

The president of the Bulgarian Association of Pathology and Pathoanatomy, who probably understands these things, says that to claim that a person has died of a coronavirus, there must be an established inflammatory reaction leading to death, without any other incompatibility with life. diseases There are no such cases. Dr. Stoyan Aleksov says so.

I quote the specific words of Dr. Stoyan Aleksov:

“There are no specific pathomorphological signs of coronavirus damage in human tissues. There is no autopsy difference between a deceased coronavirus and a seasonal viral infection. We do not have a monoclonal antibody to mark and distinguish the image from that of other viral infections.” Unlike the flu, the coronavirus does not cause death.

The World Health Organization made the mistake of declaring a pandemic because there was none. Only three autopsies were performed in our country, because the WHO ordered NOT to perform autopsies on the dead.

There is no logic in this. When we have a new image caused by a new virus, the logic is to do autopsies on everyone to gather the maximum information about the new disease. This behavior by the WHO can be defined as criminal.

The crisis has directed the entire resource of the health system in the direction of the coronavirus and patients with all other diseases, especially those with cancer, suffer from it. Our work on biopsy materials, smears, and others has decreased TEN times. Patients are scared and do not seek medical help, many cases remain undiagnosed.

This means that they will create more problems for the health system than for the coronavirus itself. “

End of quote.

Am I going crazy or does a doctor who specializes in finding out exactly what a person died from says that no person, I repeat, no person, has died from a coronavirus?

And then come some very important questions:

Is Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, along with the national operational headquarters, lying that there are people in Bulgaria who have died of coronaviruses? How did you find out without autopsies?

Isn’t this misinformation purposely created to create fear and panic in the population?

Are these fears and panics convenient for the current government so that the government of the same government can continue?

And is not all this a great occasion to violate the basic human and civil rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria?

I leave you the answers, dear fellow citizens.

And I, as one of you, am furious. I am very angry and believe that Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and the National Operational Headquarters are directly responsible for the panic and fear. And about the lies. And for queues in front of job boards.

So Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and the national operational headquarters must shoulder their responsibility. I am furious, but I tell you this calmly. With the voice of reason.
