Singer LiLana has been declared a victim by the arrest record


Investigators say the attack on her is due to her audacity to fight corruption in TOL and RIA

Singer Lilyana Deyanova, known as LiLana, sent the media a record that she says was made by the Sofia prison detention center. More than a week ago, she, her brother, Alexander Deyanov, and her partner and Martin Dimitrov were arrested on charges of criminal gangs organized for embezzlement of EU funds. For investigators, LiLana says the attack on her is a consequence of her audacity to counter corruption in the TOL system and the Travel Agency. Adv. Nikolay Hadzhigenov, who represents the singer in court, confirmed to Sega the accuracy of the record for almost two minutes, noting that he had done it personally.

He is heard saying that he has material evidence: “An entry in the Ministry of Economy during a meeting between Martin and me, and the head of the Competitiveness Program, in which he admits that he was ordered to harass us. In addition to a video at the Agency of Roads who refuses to provide us with the registration documents and clearly indicates who the person who is actually driving … ”After that, the record is broken and the letter says that it has been suspended by the law enforcement agencies law.

“The attack on me, my partner and my brother is a consequence of our audacity to fight corruption in the TOL system and the Travel Agency. We were not afraid to announce the names of the people behind one of the largest robberies in the country”. Liliana told investigators. She says they publicly released a 400-page sign “with physical evidence and data proving that the money in people’s bullets goes to an empty business, not the state budget.”

“Apparently, the big businessmen were scared by our company TELETOL. They were afraid of 20 young people who wanted to launch a single application and sell bullets to improve the product for people,” says the singer. She then explains that she and her partner have graduated from prestigious universities, but have returned to Bulgaria and were even rewarded by the President in 2018 for their general public contribution to the _Civi_ mobile app. “Without receiving a lev from any municipality, neither from the Development Bank nor from any other state institution. The reality is that our company has more employees and created products than any company that has received a loan from the Bulgarian Development Bank,” he adds. . Lilyana


Lilyana Deyanova has been in custody since April 26, after the Special Criminal Court ruled that sufficient evidence had been gathered to support the accusation and that she was in danger of hiding or committing another crime. The detainee and Martin Dimitrov remain in custody. Her brother Alexander Deyanov, known as the beat boxer SkilleR, was released on $ 100,000 bail.

Prosecutors say the three are part of an organized crime group that has operated since 2016. Several companies controlled by Lilyana have taken advantage of the program, declaring the purchase of the same software from a legal entity registered abroad, which also did not participate in activities. commercial. . In fact, the software was purchased with financing under the European program by an active Bulgarian company, which provided it for “use” by the investigated companies. In addition, the group is accused of threatening officials of the Road Infrastructure Agency.
