Shash in pop-folk! Anelia undressed on the air VIDEO / PHOTOS


“I am an extremely sensitive person, both material and spiritual. The two extremes – black and white.” This is how singer Anelia describes herself in a candid interview with Marian Stankov-Mont De on “NOVA Week”.

“In the last two years, I feel like I need a change and I am looking for balance in my life. When I react spontaneously and ultimately, it is because I want to defend myself. “she says.

“People see in me the innovative, the successful, the ambitious, but in reality my soul is the soul of a sensitive Cancer ”, adds the singer.

She shared that she is free and that she currently has no one by her side. “It’s a bit difficult for me to talk about love because I think there is more to learn.” the singer shared.

Anelia speaks frankly about her relationship with the father of her son Koko Dinev. When she was pregnant with her 19-year-old daughter, she was threatened with cancer.

In the end, it turned out that she was not ill, but it was during this period that her daughter’s father moved away.

She cried for her father, who died when she was 21.
