Services before Radev: We keep order, not parties. Aggression against police officers is unacceptable


“We maintain order, not parties and institutions. Aggression against police officers is unacceptable.” Earlier today, SDVR Chief, Senior Commissioner Georgi Hadjiev, SANS President Dimitar Georgiev and Interior Ministry Chief Secretary Ivaylo Ivanov joined in their speeches to Head of State Rumen Radev, who today invited them to a meeting in the presidency. to comment on the aggression of the September 2 protest.

Thank you for having responded to the invitation. The reason is the incessant protests that draw public attention to the actions of the forces of order. On September 2, Bulgaria experienced a day of violence. We are extremely concerned for the health of tens of thousands of citizens and law enforcement officials. “, Radev addressed those present.

He explained that there were questions that he and the citizens wanted to know.

“Why were the provocateurs allowed in the so-called Triangle of Power, why was the health of citizens and police endangered by the undisturbed actions of the people? Were they organized and who sent them? Also why violence against citizens was used, in part because journalists were harassed, even though they have been repeatedly identified. There are images of police officers using illicit means such as boxes, Radev continued, saying that he visited Evgeni Marchev in the hospital in “Pirogov” and was “quite bruised.” He also insisted on knowing why there were posters on the uniforms of law enforcement officers sending provocative messages.

However, Secretary General Ivaylo Ivanov told him that he could not answer most of the questions asked by the president because journalists were present at the meeting and some of the information was classified or permission would have to be sought from a supervising prosecutor. .

“You ask why the police used force, and I would ask: why did the protesters exert brutal force on the forces of order when they did not provoke them?” Ivanov asked.

“Until now, the Bulgarian police have never protected people, parties, they do not protect an institution, we protect public order. I think that during these more than 50 days of protests, the policemen were absolutely tolerant, they tried not to explain to you thousands of times that helmets and shields are protective equipment It is said that the water cannon is used Not so In countries like France it is used daily The United States There is a time, many years ago, when we all look at recordings, cameras, televisions. Policemen in the morning and at night, especially in the morning, pushed them with wooden sticks, beat them with flags, grabbed them by the groin where the cameras did not shoot, but the policemen saw and felt. ” Ivanov said.

He said one of the policemen had serious injuries to the groin from the bombs.

“Why do you think these people in these cordons are interested in politics and follow one party or another?” He asked.

“I do not agree that the police have committed brutal acts and brutal violence. I have never tolerated the violation of powers, there will be inspections and everyone will be held responsible,” Ivanov insisted.

“I just want to clarify one thing for those who are protesting and will enter the executive branch after the elections – these policemen in the cordons will be the same, I have been in service for 21 years, I have been at the front in many protests and they always ask me” Why do you keep this? I respond to everyone in the same way, I don’t protect anyone. Now I have to answer why there was police violence. Well, I’ve been asked for fifty days why we allow Sophia to be blocked. We only had one request on the 22nd. “Everything else was illegal, but force was never used. I’ll tell you about last night, yes, most of the protesters cleared some things, but the pots and benches were removed by the police. To say the ones they had used in the morning He insisted that the police had asked who the tents were for to fetch them, but the people who were there said, “Oh no. We just stayed. “

The chief commissioner said a bomb fell on the arm of one of the officers while holding the shield. His eye was seriously injured. “I didn’t know what to say to you, sorry mate, but you used force … those who are dropping bombs don’t think about what could happen.

“Do you know what happened to me when they shot at the Interior Ministry? My colleagues shot them there. I don’t blame anyone, because we have to have evidence, but there are organizers and I must stop and shoot them there, they explain to me how they would arrive when they came to power. for me, for us, “Ivanov continued.

“It hurts me for these comrades, but I will not be a judge and acquit anyone. There could be blood under their windows, and the police prevented it with their actions. If there is a signal for someone, an inspection will be carried out,” he promised. .

“You said they were beaten journalists, the press card does not give anyone immunity. I am aware that when they are at work and in the performance of their duties, they must be protected. However, being a journalist does not mean that you have to break and push the police. I avoid watching TV from the beginning to rest from the insults – we have heard all kinds of words. I have not seen any journalist being detained or beaten, but if someone throws a bomb at me and then pulls a journalist card – yes, they will be arrested. The police can use hot spray, not siess gas, as protesters use. We do without protesters as much as possible because we respect the right to protest. There is no peaceful protest that is bloody and violent, except for this day. The Molotov cocktails … you know what the damage could have been. They would have burned cops if someone had thrown. What would I say to their families, even my friends? There are limits that should not be interrupted ”, insisted the chief commissioner of the Ministry of the Interior.

“I understand the pain. It is a reflection of what has been accumulating in recent days. You obviously did not understand what I was asking you. It is up to you if people will have the courage and confidence to insist on their demands, if they will let go their children or they will say no. ” That there is violence from both sides, there are provocateurs, there is police violence against peaceful and innocent citizens and this is absolutely unacceptable, citizens are waiting for answers from you and creating an organization to prevent them. to avoid these things? You must meet these people as a contingent, “Radev replied.

“If we had the information that you think we should have, these people would have been neutralized. What we had as information, we exchange and act. I cannot share more information. SANS is doing its job. The Secretary General’s job described the situation in the There are many free citizens who express their position in good faith, but there are also many provocateurs who obviously achieve their goal, “said SANS head Dimitar Georgiev.

“However, everyone is impressed by the fundamental difference in the nature of the protest, precisely because of the provocateurs. These people were filmed. People want to know if they have been identified and if they have been detained,” Radev said.

“The society has been called repeatedly for a second protest on social media. On the other hand, those who consider themselves organizers have said many times that it should bleed, that there will not be a peaceful protest,” recalled Ivanov.

According to him, if the checkpoints were made for inspections, the police would be criticized for blocking people’s free access to the place. At the moment, the pirates were being studied, who were wrapped in a dark mixture to make them roar louder.

“Approximately 700-800 people were very aggressive, we had to take measures to divide the health and lives of employees and people. We will do our best if there are perpetrators to punish. But it should be clear to everyone that the Bulgarian police he cannot be insulted in this way. We are extremely passive in the face of these protests and we seek balance in these relationships so that someone’s rights are not violated at the expense of others “, the head of SDVR Georgi Hadjiev was categorical.

These provocations were organized. You need to facilitate the work of the police, Radev told the head of SANS.

“As a citizen and president, I totally disagree with violence against the police, but I do not agree with innocent Bulgarian citizens being beaten. I hope that the work of the security services and the police is organized to protect health and safety. life of Bulgarian citizens and “I hope these provocateurs will be identified and brought to justice. Bulgarian citizens should live with the feeling that the police guarantee their safety and not a repressive body in the hands of someone, “Radev insisted at the end of the meeting.
