See which higher education diplomas pay the highest (Top 50, video)


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4527 BGN – this is the average monthly taxable income of graduates of “Informatics and Computer Science” at the University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

This is demonstrated by the data from the new 10th edition of the Classification of Higher Education Institutions in Bulgaria, which was launched today. The information is located on the Internet-based platform

According to the diploma, among the five highest salaries are also included “Informatics and Computer Science” at New Bulgarian University – BGN 3,630, “Mathematics” at Sofia University – BGN 3,515, “Administration and Management” at University American in Blagoevgrad – BGN 3,390. and “Computer and communication equipment” at the Technical University of Sofia, 3,174 BGN.

The rating system compares the performance of 52 universities within 52 professional fields on the basis of dozens of indicators that measure various aspects of the learning process, research, learning environment, social and administrative services offered, prestige and regional importance of universities, as well as and the completion of graduates in the labor market. See what are the 50 fields in Bulgarian universities, whose diplomas give the highest salaries.
