See how students will learn before Christmas – Education


The Ministry of Education has sent three model alternative distance learning programs to schools before Christmas. According to them, students should not spend more than 10 consecutive school days at home and at least two weeks in class, Monitor writes.

“We are thinking of alternating because we do not expect the situation to improve. We have suggested sample times, students should go back and see students and teachers. It is not appropriate for the same children to remain in an electronic environment until Christmas. We discussed with municipalities that it is convenient that the schedule begins in 1-2 weeks, until the values ​​are normalized ”, explained last week the Minister of Education.

In the areas hardest hit by the pandemic, middle and high school students will study from home until the end of this week or next. Subsequently, the schedules of the Ministry of Education and Science will apply to students from 5th grade onwards. In other areas where students learn in person, this can happen alternately.

The sample schedules of the Ministry of Education and Science cover the period from the last Thursday to December 23 (that is, the week is counted from Thursday to Wednesday).

In the first option, students from 5th to 12th grade have to dedicate a total of 40% to distance education and the three days before Christmas everyone will study in class. Most in the online environment will study 6th, 11th and 12th grades, a total of three weeks. The other three will be in place in the classrooms. 43% of 9th and 10th grade classes will also be held in front of a laptop or phone and distance learning platforms. With just two weeks of online lessons or 33% total, there will be seventh graders. Eighth and fifth grade students will have a full week of distance learning plus on December 17th and 18th. Thus, according to this schedule, the first and third week, as well as the first two days of the sixth week, half of the children will study from home, and the second, fourth and fifth, 38% of them.

Minister Valchev is categorical: the possibility of a zero school year is zero

In the second option, online lessons are 49% of school time and students will be home three days before Christmas. Under this proposal, 5th and 12th grade students spend a week in class, then two weeks remotely, followed by two more assistants on December 17 and 18. The 6th and 11th begin with two full weeks at home, two in person and two more online. Seventh grade students have two weeks in class, two at home, 7 school days on-site, and 3 online. The MES offers eighth graders to study online only from November 26 to December 2 and before Christmas. 9th and 10th grade students start with one week from home, November 19 – December 2 they are on site in classrooms and then one week back online. Until the end of the year, according to this option, the 9th grade courses on site and between December 9 and 16, and the 10th grade only on the 17th and 18th.

Under the third proposal, from November 12 to 18, grades 5, 8, 9 and 10 will study at the school. The next 5th, 9th and 10th grades go remotely, and with 6th they continue with online lessons. From November 26 to December 2, there will only be 6th, 7th, 11th and 12th grades in the classrooms. Between December 3-8, grades 7, 8, 11, and 12 are online, and grades 9 through 16 are grades 6, 7, 11, and 11. 12th. On December 17 and 18, only students in grades 6, 7, 11, and 12 will be in classrooms, and all students will join them at the end of the year.

According to the Minister of Education, the principle of prioritization must be followed and certain classes must learn more in person. The guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Science also establish in what sequence the different classes must pass to distance education. According to them, the first classes should be the 9th to 12th grade classes, in which the foreign language is not studied intensively or extensively. After that, distance learning can be applied to eighth graders who do not study the language intensively and to most high school students.

The penultimate measure should be applied in high school, as well as intensive foreign language students in the eighth grade and other eighth grade students. 3rd and 4th grade are also included on this list. In schools with a concentration of children and students from vulnerable groups in groups 4 and 5, they should be the last in distance education. In the letter with the sample of schedules from the Minister of Education where it is indicated that the patterns of alternation and partial attendance to classes create difficulties in terms of the work of teachers and the training of students, so they can be combined with additional measures.

Krassimir ValchevKrassimir Valchev

Krassimir Valchev is the Minister of Education and Science. He was born on June 9, 1975. Since September 2009 two and different examples of reorganization of teaching time: allow hybrid learning as part of the subjects are online in the other shift or assign self-training tasks, if substitute teachers cannot be found, reduce the hours by up to 10 minutes, the Practical training should be planned in the optimal period of the school year, on consecutive days, in order to pass the whole class to online training. Among the measures is the use of masks when mixing classes.
