See all the new measures and bans in effect across the country today


PHOTO: pixabay

The strict measures against the epidemic will take effect again in Bulgaria on Monday (March 22). Initially it was announced that this stricter regime would apply until the end of the month, but the authorities did not rule out extending the term. Below is a summary of the measures and restrictions that go into effect today.

What is prohibited

School attendance is suspended, which means that students in all grades return to online learning. The same goes for all group extracurricular activities and activities, which must also be done online.

The current learning process in the higher schools is also terminated. Practical classes are allowed only for students in the field of health.

All gastronomic and entertainment establishments close their doors. Only food for home or office is allowed.

All stores with a commercial area of ​​more than 300 square meters that offer non-food items have also been closed. This also applies to shopping centers, with the exception of your grocery stores, pharmacies, drugstores, opticians, pet stores, banks, insurers, providers of postal, courier and payment services, offices of telecommunications operators, providers of communications and public services. services. The markets remain open, but in strict compliance with distance and hygiene measures. Between 08:30 and 10:30, only people over 65 years old shop in stores.

More restrictions

The holding of congress-conference events, seminars, competitions, trainings, exhibitions and other public events in the form of attendance is also suspended. The ban also applies to all cultural and entertainment events, including those held outdoors.

As for private meetings, no more than 15 people should attend.

Sports events for those under 18 years of age are also suspended, as well as visits to fitness centers, gyms and swimming pools.

Visits to hospitals are prohibited and employers must provide employees the opportunity to work remotely.

All group tourist trips are also suspended.
