Second delivery of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines arrives for Bulgaria


Arrive tomorrow at Sofia airport the second delivery of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines for Bulgaria, reported the press center of the Ministry of Health.

From the airport logistics center they will be distributed to certain parts of the country. Not reported the expected quantity, as well as where it will be transported.

Will you be vaccinated against COVID-19?

As soon as possible

I am not scared

I’ll wait for time to pass

Only with the Russian vaccine

There is no such virus

Late last year, the state’s chief health inspector, associate professor Angel Kunchev, announced that The next shipment with about 20,000 vaccines will arrive on January 4.

The first shipment of On December 26, 9,750 doses were delivered, enough to vaccinate almost 5,000 people. Vaccination started in Sofia, Plovdiv and Burgas. The first to receive the vaccine were doctors working in Front line in the fight against the coronavirus.

The data from the National Information Portal show that to date, 4,739 people have been vaccinated.

The Bulgarian government has set a goal of vaccinating 70% of the population. Vaccination is optional and free.
