Scientists have shattered the feeble hope of getting rid of K-19 soon, it turned out that the infection …


The coronavirus can be transmitted at a distance of 6 meters if the carrier persists for about 5 minutes. This shows a new study conducted in South Korea.

Experts say that the coronavirus can be transmitted from a distance greater than the distance specified by the World Health Organization at least 1 meter and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 6 feet, that is to say. 1.83 meters.

The study shows that if a person carrying the coronavirus and another person who does not carry the virus breathe the same air for 5 minutes at a distance of 6 meters, the virus also passes to the carrier, writes NTV.

The study was published in the Korean Journal of Medical Science. According to a study conducted at a restaurant in Jeonju, a person with a positive coronavirus test was found to have entered the restaurant on June 17.

Later, in a study conducted in Jeonju, it was found that only 2 people tested positive for the corona virus, and the second person was a high school student who entered the restaurant and lived in the farthest corners with the other positive case.

The person who tested positive for coronavirus is claimed to be a merchant and not living in Jeonju City, while the only thing the two people had in common was being in a restaurant about 20 meters away.
