Scientists are raising the alarm for another terrible consequence of K-19


Scientists have discovered that the coronavirus can cause a rare infection that leads to vision loss, BGNES reported, citing the journal Science Report. The study was conducted by a team from Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York.

In a New York hospital, several patients suffering from COVID-19 developed keratitis, an inflammation of the cornea. Then, against this background, endophthalmitis developed, a purulent inflammation of the inner membranes of the eyeball.

The presence of three cases of endophthalmitis in such a short time is extremely rare, and since they are all linked to COVID-19 infection, a new and more in-depth study is needed, experts say.

Of the three patients, one died of COVID-19, another had his eye removed and the third, who was seriously ill, lost his sight completely.

It is observed that all the participants in the observations were over 60 years old.

Endophthalmitis is a very rare disease, but it can be caused by a virus. Symptoms of infection include redness, pain, discharge from the eye, swollen eyelids, and decreased vision.

Furthermore, the transition from keratitis to endophthalmitis is also very rare. Another study showed only 27 cases in 15 years in which the patient developed endophthalmitis caused by keratitis.

Although keratitis may be associated with COVID-19, scientists are currently continuing their research to demonstrate an indisputable link between coronavirus infection and serious eye pathologies.
