Sasho Kadiev attacked by transphobic and racist statements – ᐉ Curioso • news about lifestyle, diet, health and fashion


A group of citizens sent a letter of protest to bTV. The reason is the denunciations on three subjects of the presenter Alexander Kadiev, made in the program “Before noon” on February 12. According to the authors of the letter, these accusations are not only transphobic and racist, but also factually false. reports “”.

The first topic concerns the new rules at a hospital in Sussex, UK, which Kadiev presents as follows:

Can we talk about a case in Sussex, UK, that is a bit special? Sussex University Hospital is introducing a new policy and has told midwives that they can no longer use the words ‘mother’, ‘breastfeeding’ and ‘maternity’ in the protection of trans people and this is official at this hospital . (()

Now we are on television and in democracy. I will not express myself at all so as not to lose my job, because I will only stay a while, but I do not agree with that.

How do they change the vocabulary of humanity in the name of service to the people who have decided to make a carnival for themselves? “

According to the authors of the letter, the information is misleading. This is not about forbidding midwives to call mothers mothers, but about official documentation at the hospital, which is intended to include everyone. And therefore, if a trans man or a non-binary person enters the hospital to give birth, they should not be called a “mother” against their will.

Kadiev’s words give the impression that words like “mother” and “breastfeed” will be banned almost everywhere. Sports news anchor Florina Ivanova joins their outrage.

Writer Zahari Karabashliev also took part in the show, taking a more nuanced position, but did not question the fake news expressed by Kadiev.

The second topic, which angered the authors of the letter, is about African Americans and Asians, who, according to Kadiev, cannot make movies, and the lack of famous African American poets. The presenter says:

“But we don’t care, but let’s say him, the African American or the Asian, when the poor guy can’t make a movie, ahem, why should he push to make a movie?”

There are people who can make movies and it just … happened. With a different skin color. It’s not because we want to. Have you heard of a world-class African American poet?

To refute Kadiev’s claim, the authors of the letter attach a list of Afro-descendant poets and writers who have won the Pulitzer and other prestigious awards and received international recognition.

The third topic addressed in the letter is the reason for Kadiev’s words about African Americans and Asians. He affirms:

“And what’s more, this supposed diversity that is being talked about. In Hollywood, you know what has already happened under the new rules for the Oscars and so on. People of different races had to be present in a production, otherwise it wouldn’t be. “

According to the authors of the letter, the presenter’s statement was “openly racist, instilling the idea that only people with white skin should participate in film art and that people of color do not have the place or the qualities to create in the world. field of cinema “. . “

They also point out that this is again fake news. First, two different things are mixed: the Hollywood movie studios and the Oscars, and second, the new rules for the Oscars do require minority participation on the film crew, but there is no requirement that they be actors. They can be, for example, operators or cabinets.

The letter gives examples of numerous award-winning films featuring representatives of various minorities.

The authors urge the Before Noon team to apologize to their viewers and affected minority groups, and for presenters to familiarize themselves with the actual events and present them correctly to the audience. To discuss these issues and BTV journalists to learn to speak about them properly.

“We fully support freedom of expression and expression, even if it is contradictory. What we strongly oppose is the presentation of false or seriously distorted facts as truth, and the appropriate use of these lies to turn society against certain groups, the letter said.

In the absence of an adequate response from BTV, the authors reserve the right to send signals to the Journalistic Ethics Commission, the Electronic Media Council, as well as the court, due to discrimination in their speeches.

You can read the full text of the letter. here. It was signed by Veneta Limberova, President of the LGBT Youth Action Organization, Vera Slavova, spectator, Viktor Lilov, editor, Daniel Dimitrov, PhD student in economics, Denitsa Lyubenova, lawyer, Kosta Karakashyan, director, choreographer and editor-in-chief of Out. bg, Lachezar Georgiev, design and prepress, Marina Simeonova, musician, Paul Naydenov, president of Bilitis Resource Center Foundation, Svetla Encheva, freelance journalist and sociologist, Simeon Vassilev, president of the GLAS Foundation, Todor Totev, software engineer, Hristo Hristov , musician.
