Russian drug reduces mortality from coronavirus


The use of Russian medicine has reduced the mortality of patients with severe coronavirus by 3 to 5 times, scientist Oleg Rosenberg, who developed it, told Izvestia. He stressed that summary data is still being collected on all cases of drug use. He also clarified that during the pandemic 120 patients were treated with surfactant, BNT reported.

Izvestia University Sechenov University reported that 30 of 32 patients with a serious illness who received the drug had been cured. Head of the Research Laboratory of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care “VA Almazov” Andrei Bautin told the publication that of 28 patients with a severe course of infection who received surfactant therapy, 24 patients recovered. According to the center, the mortality of patients Criticals has been reduced from 80% to 14.3%.

“The lack of surfactant synthesized by the body itself is compensated by an external drug. This allows even the alveoli damaged by the virus to stand upright and exchange gases, saturate the blood with oxygen,” explained Bautin the drug’s action algorithm. . He said that the drug is administered to patients by inhalation, the procedure takes 30 minutes twice a day. Two days of treatment was enough for someone, in some cases the drug was given for up to five days. Sergei Avdeev, the chief pulmonologist at the Russian Health Ministry, told the newspaper that a new study of the drug had started in Russia in July. Based on the results of the second study, it is planned to include surfactant in the recommendations of the Ministry of Health for the treatment of patients with COVID-19.

According to the publication, there are currently around 10 such preparations in the world. All of them, including the Russian one, were originally created to help premature babies who are still unable to breathe on their own due to lung immaturity. Izvestia recalls that the surfactant is a natural preparation obtained from the lungs of cattle.

