Russia scolded America for corruption allegations in Bulgaria


Russia scolded America for corruption allegations in Bulgaria

“The accuracy and relevance of the blunt remarks on issues sensitive to Bulgarian society, especially on the eve of the parliamentary elections, raises great doubts. We believe that these guidance statements, as always without concrete evidence, cast a de facto shadow over politicians and officials of the judicial system of the Republic of Bulgaria “.said the Russian embassy.

Earlier this week, Jessica Kim, who was dispatched to Washington from Washington to monitor and help combat corruption in Bulgaria, commented that “Bulgarian leaders know what is needed for real change, but very little has been done to achieve it. “

“It just came to our knowledge then for corruption in the upper echelons of power still exists even in the “most democratic” countries of the world (we will not remember, for example, some stories from the “Ukrainian dossier” of the current US leadership). Smells like hypocrisy, right? added by the Russian embassy in our country.

Hristo Ivanov: Kremlin protects corrupt Bulgarian officials

Later, Democratic Bulgaria’s co-president Hristo Ivanov asked the new Russian ambassador, Eleonora Mitrofanova, instead of defending corrupt Bulgarian officials to use Lukoil’s influence to show the results of their tax audits.

According to him, Mitrofanova will impose a more open style of interference in Bulgarian politics. According to him, “she is a specialist in” soft power “, what in diplomacy is often called cultural diplomacy, equitable economic relations, investments, etc.”

“In the language of the Kremlin, however, ‘soft power’ is corruption, infiltration of intelligence structures, propaganda control of a certain territory.” Hristo Ivanov explained

“We understand why you passionately defend the corrupt Bulgarian officials. We also understand that perhaps your main task is to defend the corrupt influence of the Kremlin. But we also believe that our two peoples have a future of equal relations based on freedom and the pursuit of a European model of democracy would have informed you that the vast majority of Bulgarians do not want corruption and this summer there was a huge wave of protests against the corruption of Borisov, Dogan, Peevski and Geshev. “ he pointed.

“I suggest that you take advantage of the fact that the Russian state has influence over Lukoil and influence the company to publish the audit acts so that it is clear and to answer the long-standing doubts about whether the total part of the taxes owed in Bulgaria it has been paid. “,, Ivanov said.

The co-chair of Democratic Bulgaria pointed out that there have been doubts in society for years that Lukoil saved BGN 1 billion in corporate taxes.

“One billion BGN is a huge amount. Perhaps for Putin this is the equivalent of a palace in Gelendzhik, but for Bulgaria it is a huge amount that has not entered the pensions, it has not entered the salaries of Bulgarian health workers. Or in the salaries of teachers. This amount has been used to fuel the poisonous environment of corruption in Bulgaria. ” Hristo Ivanov said.
