Rumen Chandarov: a great European wants to rob us of a soccer player


Septemvri’s young central defender (Sofia) Kaloyan Kostov can be removed from the Portuguese club without a transfer sum. This was stated by the head of the club, Rumen Chander.

“Kaloyan has been very up to date for the last year and a half. It is of interest not only for Juventus and Benfica but also for other major European clubs. Interest is one thing and the official offer is another. September has official offers from Juventus and Inter, it is not necessary to tell you which clubs we are talking about: hegemony in one of the strongest championships in the world Unfortunately, when something is very important, well, there is always someone OYTO trying to spoil it.

The truth is that in recent months, we have been faced with the experiences of a European club that is clearly not so European and an intermediary manager. His name is Georgi Zahariev, trying to skip the club and profit from a robbery. I tell you theft because it is exactly like that. To this day, we have no official interest in this club. I’m talking about Benfica, but at the same time we have clear information about how many times conversations have been held with the player, with his parents and constant exposure, to call him, from this questionable manager, with whom I even had a meeting to clarify the situation. . They have twice visited the club’s base in Portugal, before the player was 16 years old. At this stage we have good relations with Kaloyan and his family, there is communication between us. We offered him good conditions for development, we also offered him a professional contract. In children like him is the future.

It is normal to be disappointed, but mostly angry. Soon the manager in quotes: Georgi Zahariev had said that in Bulgaria we don’t have good soccer players or anything like that. How do we, as people like him, try to jump clubs that have struggled for years to create talent? The same case is with Nikola Iliev from Botev Plovdiv, where another mediator intervened. And that? We are clubs, we create quality players and, finally, jump, someone comes and steals it! The truth is that BFS must intervene very soon in these vicious practices! Licenses must be revoked, Bulgarian clubs must be protected, there must be strict rules! We want high-level soccer, and we allow players to take yellow pennies. As we sit idly by, they will continue to grab the fruits of our labor.

Our club will certainly not remain indifferent to what is happening and we will seek every opportunity to defend our rights. I invested a lot, created great conditions: grounds, hallways, changing rooms and more. My schools train more than 700 children, with our children we came to participate in the Youth Champions League. Our players are an important part of the Bulgarian national teams. September wants to build, create players both for our land and for Europe. There is no better publicity for our country. You see, the last few years have seen an awakening in children’s and youth soccer, and now we have to take advantage of it. The pandemic puts many clubs on the map of their existence, filled with young Bulgarians who are ready to seize their opportunity as long as there is someone who gives it to them and has patience for them. This is the way to go, but together we must oppose such wrong managers and intermediaries! The big clubs sit at the table with the club created by the player and download the cards! This is worthy of respect, anything else is a fraud! Honestly, this motivates me to keep going, but I will certainly protect the interests of September, we already have enough contacts, enough examples of such vicious practices! Chandrov told Sport.
