RHI will provide a quarantine recipe by SMS or email


The regional health inspectorates (RHI) may deliver quarantine orders orally, by phone or by email (email or SMS), the deputies decided with the amendments to the Health Law approved in the first reading.

The proposal for this is made by the ruling GERB party, and its objective is to reduce the administrative burden of sanitary inspections, which are exhausted in the conditions of constant complication of the epidemic situation in the country.

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It also provides for the prohibition of the export of medicines during a state of emergency or emergency.

The proposal not to make hospital treatment mandatory for patients with COVID-19 passed on first reading. There was also a dispute between the ruling party and the opposition on this issue.

“If there is no specific clarification between the first and second reading of these texts, patients remain concerned that the state is abdicating the problem. They expressed concern that this would prevent their treatment in a hospital.” People are concerned that this is not the way to stop such reports of people dying on the stairs, “said Ivan Ivavov of the BSP.

“Any patient who needs hospital treatment and this is the opinion of the treating physician can count on it. Please, we must be united in the fight against the pandemic. 80% do not need hospital treatment ”, was categorical Daniela Daritkova from GERB.

Virologist: COVID-19 has a stable genetic makeup, which is good for finding a vaccine.

“We will not support the proposal to remove the words for mandatory hospital treatment, after listing a number of dangerous diseases, including COVID-19, because it means putting public health at risk,” said MRF’s Dzhevdet Chakarov.

“We will divide the texts, because that way it will be more precise,” said Daritkova.

The BSP announced that it had referred to the Constitutional Court that the quorum for the plenary session was provided by the deputies who were placed in quarantine or isolation. As you know, they vote online. According to the left, if the complaint is accepted, it is possible that the texts voted in plenary session in the last two weeks will be questioned.


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