Restorers with a letter to Borisov due to the proposed measures


The proposal of the health authorities for the total closure of discos, nightclubs, cafes, bars, patisseries surprised the industry. From there, they announced that they would send a letter to the Prime Minister tomorrow, urging that the measure not enter into force.

Propose almost complete state lockdown (VIDEO)

“We are surprised. This decision has not yet been made. Nightclubs have been closed for a month and the number of infected people has not decreased. I suppose that if the measure goes into effect, it will be the end for most of those who work. in companies, “said the president of the Bulgarian Restaurant Association, Richard Alibegov.

It remains to be seen whether there will be protests if the decision is made.



We are writing to you regarding a proposal by the Minister of Health to impose new measures from 27.11.2020, including the closure of restaurants and entertainment, as well as other business areas in Bulgaria.

We have been understanding the pandemic situation for months and are making serious efforts to help control it. The vast majority of our industry complies with all imposed measures, and our organizations have always called for severe personal punishment for those who do not.

We showed understanding when the nightclubs closed and demanded compensation only for our employees, as the business took on the main financial burden.

In view of the proposed closure of food and entertainment establishments, we urge the Council of Ministers not to adopt any new restrictions until it has been decided and publicly announced what state support will be given to all types of businesses that will not be able to operate – personnel assistance, indirect employees in the sector, self-employed, financial aid to companies, etc.

We believe this is extremely important to reassure the thousands of employees in our industry for the difficult months ahead.

In this sense, our just claims boil down to:

1. Provide 80% of the salaries of our employees, in accordance with the employment contracts to which they are attached and reprogramming of budgetary obligations, which have accumulated after March 13, 2020, in order to avoid indebtedness serious intercompany.

2. Moratorium on loans / principal and interests / of legal persons, employees and the self-employed for one more year.

3. Suspension or simplification of interest on accrued budgetary commitments for the period March-December 2020

4. Compensation of 20% of the billing for the same month of the previous year for the period in which the business is closed on request, based on the newly opened establishments in October 2020. The purpose is to cover part of the operating expenses , which are paid one month after completion / electricity, water, taxes, accounting and other industry-specific services /.

5. Reprogramming of garbage rates or recalculation in view of the lack of one carried out for branches that have been closed.

6. Condonation of income in municipal and state properties for the period in which the properties are closed by order.

We believe that possible solutions, which may consist of closing only restaurants and entertainment establishments, will not lead to the desired effect. Proof of this is that a month after the discos are deprived of the right to work, there is no effect, on the contrary.

For this reason, we insist that we be explained what the exact objectives set by the proposals of the Minister of Health are and what levels of contagion the facilities are expected to reopen. As well as what will be the next steps of the government if the bans imposed after November 27 do not give the desired result?

We hope you understand that this uncertainty has an extremely negative impact on both us and our employees. As affiliate organizations, our primary obligation is to protect the rights of our industry. And we are ready to protect them by all means permitted by law. We are convinced that many other sectors think like us and will support us, which will most likely lead to a massive, uncontrollable and unwanted gathering of people.

We believe that you will heed our demands and help our company and employees through this difficult time.


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