Restaurants do not close, but will operate at half capacity – Bulgaria


Restaurants do not close, but will operate at half capacity

© Julia Lazarova

After a meeting with two organizations of the establishments, the Minister of Health Prof. Kostadin Angelov announced that they have agreed that each restaurant and nightclub, regardless of whether it is open or closed, will continue to operate, but at half capacity. The measure has been in effect since Friday amid record growth in new coronavirus infections in recent weeks and the words of the Health Minister a few hours before that “we need help” in the health system and outdoor masks. when to keep your distance, they are now mandatory.

Customers have a problem complying with measurements

“In this way, we believe that we will reach a distance for visitors to nightclubs in order to break the epidemiological chain of transmission of the disease,” said Professor Kostadin Angelov at the presentation of the measure and said that next week there will be a additional meeting with business representatives. , after which there will be “additional measures to be even more effective”. In response to a question from Dnevnik, Richard Alibegov of the Bulgarian Restaurant Association said that “most of the problem is with the customers” from the enforcement of the measures in the restaurant. According to him, “unfortunately it is very difficult to explain the measures to be observed”.

The Health Minister explained that the people of a company “are together anyway” and the purpose of the measure is not to mix different groups of people.

Alibegov noted that the restaurant industry will not withstand a second shutdown, as it did in Bulgaria at the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, and said that in the name of not stopping its work, the industry is “ready for any compromise.”

The guard also monitors the distance

According to Evgeniy Zumpalov of the Bulgarian Restaurant Union, owners can easily control the fulfillment of the half capacity requirement, because “they can admit as many people as there are square meters of commercial space and divide them in two”.

The Minister of Health said that the employees of the regional health inspectorates in the country together with the police visit “almost all the establishments” and during their inspections they end up with sanctions or prescriptions – with them the inspectors do not impose a sanction, but only they find an irregularity that is expected. Be repaired. “When the prescribed measures are not observed, the prescription is followed by a fine, followed by closure for three days, followed by closure for fourteen days,” said the Minister of Health. Club security would also control the observance of distance.

Professor Kostadin Angelov asked anyone warning offenders in establishments to post signs and label regional health inspections. He did not specify what the formal consequences of such activity would be or when, but asked “to have an active civil society.”
