Record: 4,253 hospitalizations discharged in one day amid the epidemic


Hospital coronavirus is administered only after a positive test. PHOTO: MUNICIPALITY OF CAPITAL

Since the beginning of the year, 1,964,726 sick leave have been issued

90,014 COVID-19 quarantined sick leave were issued since the start of the state of emergency from March 13 to December 3. Here is a report from the National Social Security Institute (NSSI), prepared at the request of “24 hours”.

Almost 134 thousand is the total number of hospitals issued by quarantine for the same period.

Only since November 21, when the new emergency measures and partial closure were introduced, until December 3, the number of hospitals is almost 1/3 of all those taken by COVID since spring: 28,725. It was during this period that the daily values ​​of new patients and hospitalized were recorded.

Registration is on November 30, then only the day of hospitalization due to coronavirus infection is 4253.

In the first month of the pandemic, March, 561 coronavirus quarantine sheets were issued. In April they became 2902, while in May they fell to 1650. For the summer months of June, July and August, the total number of hospitalizations due to coronavirus was 9,267. However, only in September another 2705 were issued. Three more times in October: 10,136. The reason is that the second wave of the pandemic began at the end of the month.

At worst


are issued

more than 54 thousand

list of hospitals for coronavirus.

They have been reported since March 13

only 7 days

without anyone



for tax


These are April 18, May 9 and 10, May 17, June 14, August 16, September 6, all of which were over the weekend, so it can be assumed that sick leave was applied on a work Monday.

What is the order Hospital for coronavirus quarantine is recommended by regional health inspections (RHI). It is obtained during the quarantine period by the GP based on the information submitted by the health inspectors.

After a positive PCR test, the RHI uploads the information about the patient, their PIN, and the closest contact persons to a special platform. The infected person’s personal physician is then notified to issue the list. It can be taken and given to the employer after the quarantine expires.

The mandatory quarantine for confirmed COVID-19 is 14 days, but the contact quarantine was reduced to 10 days.

However, the hospital system causes a defect in some coronavirus patients. In severe cases, the illness can last more than 14 days, at the same time that the jeep is entitled to issue sick leave for only 14 days.

One way out of this situation is

lose one

compensation day,

be able to

the jeep yes

issued sick leave

for another 14 days

The second option is for the patient to undergo a new PCR test. Therefore, RHI will issue a prescription for a new quarantine. The third option is to go to a medical commission to continue your hospital stay.

However, the coronavirus epidemic has reduced the number of sick leave for other illnesses seeking compensation from the NSSI.

A month before the end of 2020, 1,964,726 sick leave documents were issued in Bulgaria, while last year they exceeded 3.3 million, according to the report.

In the first three months of the year, the patients took 652 thousand leaves. And during the months of the pandemic – April, May and June, 367,000 were melted. A year earlier in the second quarter they were 510 thousand.

In July, August and September the number of hospitalizations began to rise to 573,000, in October the total was just over 275,000 and in November it almost doubled, that is, 418,931.

November 23 is the day with a record number of sickness benefits issued: almost BGN 27,000.

Next year hospital patients are expected to leave: BGN 637.2 million

Are planned

benefits for

178,917,000 days,

and on average per day of sick leave, BGN 35.61 will be received.
