Psychologist: The old normal no longer exists, it simply does not exist – ᐉ News from Bulgaria • latest news and current information


The old normal no longer exists, it just doesn’t exist. The coronavirus has a massive effect on our psyche. Mental health and psycho-emotional behavior problems are growing exponentially. The demand for support in various situations has increased by more than 800% compared to 2019. This was reported by psychologist Plamen Dimitrov on the bTV show “Face to Face”

“We are focused on building resilience and resilience, because the virus will continue to exist. The truth is that we have a massive socio-behavioral change. This problematic curve, which continues to grow, must be faced with new capacity,” he explained.

“This is a global situation of post-traumatic complications and psychosomatic transformations of the problems caused by the pandemic. It is valid even in our country, “added Dimitrov.

“There is a wide range of common reasons to seek professional help, psychologists are of various levels.” It does not only happen with anxiety, “he said.” Concerns are not always for oneself, they are for those closest to them, for the parents, “Dimitrov added.

“Since the beginning of the year alone, I have personally worked with 12 families who have lost loved ones. Children were a very serious topic when they were completely at home learning online. Other important topics are interpersonal relationships and domestic violence. has intensified, calls to the emergency lines in this direction have increased at least 4 times, not to mention the cases that do not reach our knowledge, “said Dimitrov.

The worst situation was with the elderly.

“People who have poor health and psychosocial isolation,” added the specialist.

As for insisting on a separate law for psychologists, he commented that this is a long-awaited and worked issue. According to him, in Europe and in the world, serious guilds have long structured this process, it is a regulated profession.

“It should be very clear what are the skills, educational training, qualifications, specialization. This must be public and the interests of service users must be protected. Create the conditions so that the professional organization of psychologists, which is already more than 50 years old, is real and representative, by including each of its members in the registry. We now have self-regulatory principles, but they are completely voluntary, “explained Plamen Dimitrov.

