Professor Kozhuharova explained what is the reason for the high mortality from COVID-19 in Bulgaria – Diseases


“Eventually, over time, we will see a decrease in mortality as a result of the restrictive measures introduced. We are now, I hope, at the peak of the epidemic. Severe cases occur mainly in the elderly and people with disabilities due to other diseases. Probably a factor as to why they are doing so badly. ”This is what epidemiologist Prof. Mira Kozhuharova told BNR.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 16041

According to her, the measures are adequate, except to prevent children and young students from attending classes, which does not generate high expectations of an impact on the epidemic process.

Prof. Mira Kozhuharova: The coronavirus epidemic is developing in Bulgaria

“There is uncertainty in society about what it means to get infected and get sick. The virus spreads everywhere through the air and anyone can come into contact with it if they have contact with humans. That is, anyone can get infected, but if they get sick or it is simply a carrier, it depends on different conditions.

Professor Kozhuharova added: “The vaccine is the only sure way to prevent infectious diseases. All other measures have a certain, small impact. Vaccines can be given as routine immunizations or as an important measure against the epidemic. When there is a epidemic, immunization is carried out and this is the safest way to control an epidemic. There should be more information on the subject, and it is official, published on the website of the Ministry of Health. Immunization must be carried out quickly and There must be a detailed vaccination plan. “

According to her, until the vaccine appears and after the appearance, the basic rules that protect against respiratory infections should be observed. “The vaccine is not a magic bullet, it will not eliminate the epidemic immediately. We must also be prepared for the next pandemic wave. I expect one. It is characteristic of pandemics that they occur in several waves. After covering the first groups with the first one vaccine doses, we can expect that there will be 1% of the Bulgarian population, so you will have the certainty that it will be protected from diseases, ”said Prof. Kozhukharova.

The epidemiologist stressed that it is not necessary for a person to take the antibody test before being vaccinated, because this would slow down the process, and clarified that vaccination in the presence of antibodies in the body is not contraindicated.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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