Professor Asen Baltov announced surprising results of mandatory PCR tests for patients’ COVID-19 at “Pirogov”


By the end of 2020, there should be a vaccine against COVID-19, the question is whether it will be permanent or will be done every year.

This is what Pirogov chief executive Professor Asen Baltov said in an interview with Monitor.

– Prof. Baltov, since Monday the hospitalizations in “Pirogov” take place after a mandatory PCR test for COVID-19. How many people accepted, how many of them are positive?
For the first day we accept 40, and for the second – 90 people with samples. From the beginning they are negative, we are waiting for the results of the second. We have a patient with suspected coronavirus, not among those hospitalized for other diseases. As soon as he was admitted, he was referred to the ward for said infection.

– Do patients understand why they are being sampled?
Most are understanding, aware that it is for the safety of other patients and staff. There are also those who complain that we have used their genetic material, accusing us of arbitrariness. However, I am firmly convinced that this is the way to stop any infection from the outside by infectious people without clinical manifestations.

Have they refused the treatment because they don’t want to be tested?
There is not. As I said, some mutter but agree. People are already well informed about covid infection and are aware that this is not a joke.

If the evaluation we carried out shows at the end of May that there are not many infected and the thesis of the national operational headquarters is justified, that at the moment only endemic outbreaks are controlled, we will not continue the study in June. But first we need to see what the results will show.

Testing is absolutely necessary, because this way you will stop this constant infection from colleagues, which in most cases is imported from abroad. All Pirogov employees, who return to work after the holidays, will be required to give samples.

– Why were you discharged during these busy months for the hospital?
– Because the work of “Pirogov” has decreased a lot in the last two months, as people are afraid and postpone examinations, planned operations and tests. They are concerned that many of those affected by the coronavirus are being treated here. Although we have taken all measures to prevent infection, the concern is very human.

This has led us to reduce the number of staff in the clinics, because the greater the number, the greater the risk of spreading the infection. In this way, we have minimized, as far as possible, nosocomial infections, which unfortunately have happened to us: in surgery, in urology, in cardiology. There were infected colleagues there. Frontline workers are also evaluated for a period of time, always after leaving work in a COVID-19 environment.

– How many are positive from the medical and non-medical staff of “Pirogov”?
– As of Tuesday, there are 50, and the healed are 14. Including doctors, nurses, paramedics, paramedics, two physical therapists. Of these, 9 people were hospitalized.

Some are moderate, others mild, but all have received treatment. The reason is that, in addition to the lungs, in many cases the microcirculation is also affected.

This requires treatment with antibiotics, with anticoagulants. At the same time, we follow colleagues who are at home through a specially made call center in our hospital. Call them on the phone every day so we know at any time what their condition is.

If additional tests are needed or if they need other medical care, we send a car that transports them to Pirogov. When it comes time to take PCR samples, we send a team to the site, as they are quarantined. Until their expiration after 28 days and negative samples, they return to work.

– Since there are so many infected people in “Pirogov”, is there a problem with team building?
– We have no problems Pirogov employs about 2,100 people, the administration is approximately 200 people. These people are absolutely sufficient and interchangeable. This allows not to disturb the treatment of patients. As for the measures, sometimes we have to close a clinic for cleaning or disinfection, but this does not interfere with urgent work.

As I said, until recently people did not go to scheduled exams and operations, they were afraid, but I think this will end soon and they will seek medical help again. An increase in the number of patients admitted for treatment is observed. 100 non-emergency people were admitted on Monday. Little by little they come to receive treatment. This is due to confidence in the system, serious measures are observed, which are maximum so that there is no risk of COVID-19.

– In the last two months in all hospitals, admission was reduced and, therefore, the small volume of completed clinical pathways. How will Pirogov be managed financially in terms of workers’ wages?
– The first thing we do is pay the labor obligations of all the personnel. Everything we owe to companies and suppliers will be reimbursed in the coming months. I hope to renew our capacity at least 90-95% in June-July. Providers understand that our priorities are wages and don’t bother us.

– Are the needs of the Pirogov Hospital being met?
– We received donations for almost BGN 4 million in the form of cash and material resources. I am extremely grateful to all the people who have personally committed themselves and the company to help us. Our biggest donor is Mr. Delyan Peevski. Your donation is for over BGN 700,000, for additional equipment and bonuses for people who work on the front line.

They were released to 48 colleagues. It is very important that the hospital has managed to completely reorganize the donated funds and purchase many basic necessities. At this stage, we have everything a hospital would need. I hope that by increasing the admission of patients and entering the normal rhythm of work in “Pirogov” in the next two months to bring all patients, as it was before the time of COVID-19.

– High hopes are expected in blood plasma treatment of COVID-19 patients who have produced antibodies. Could this method be a panacea?
– It cannot be a panacea, but it can be one of the accepted ones for treatment. However, we need patients who are sick and have a fairly good amount of antibodies. This is measured in advance. There is also an age limit that blood donors can be at.

She is between 18 and 60 years old. These requirements reduce the possible number of donors. I hope that in the next two weeks a donor survivor bank will be launched to produce the necessary hyperimmune plasma and use it for those in need who are currently in hospitals. Until now, this is done only at the Military Medical Academy. Pirogov does not have its own blood center to recruit these blood donors. I hope this begins to be done in more places, to gain knowledge of Italy or Turkey, where colleagues have a very good experience.

– When can you create a relatively massive immunity to the coronavirus in our country?
– Mass immunity could hardly exist in Bulgaria at this stage. The reason is that the number of patients is too small. I do not agree with the figures mentioned by some supporters of the so-called “collective immunity”. I believe that no more than 6-7% of the Bulgarian population encounters the coronavirus. This is confirmed by tests carried out in many places.

There may be a second peak in the fall. In some countries on the Asian continent, new minimal waves are being produced. It is possible to have them in our country in the next year or two. The point is to have immunity and make it last, because it’s not clear how long it will last.

– Are you optimistic that a vaccine can be developed soon?
– yeah There should be a vaccine before the end of the year. The question is whether it will be permanent or will be done every year, like the flu. There are mutations in the strains and it is no wonder that it has to be constantly processed.

– The future vaccine will introduce a liquid chip to monitor the population. How would you comment on this fake news on social media and on some sites?
– I know very well the conspiracy theories that are currently spreading, as well as the subscription of anti-vaccines. Others also claim that they will use the genetic material when taking a PCR sample. These people are trying to stop the development of science, so export to them and have purely economic dividends for them.

The problems associated with coronavirus infections affect all sectors of society, both the poor and the wealthy. Chances are, someone doesn’t like it. There is something else, the Bulgarian, as he is known, “understands” many things, including virology, vaccines, chips and what not. These are anti-vaccination sentiments that, if accepted by society, will not be good for people’s health.

– Some of the emergency measures have already been removed. But will we have to comply with certain sanitary regulations? Do you think the Bulgarian has the willpower to comply with them?
– I’m optimistic. It was obvious that the Bulgarian was extremely disciplined. Over the past 60 days, most people have actually followed the steps and should be congratulated. We must not forget that, although the measures have already been relaxed, morbidity levels are being monitored.

If 100 or more people are found infected three days in a row, and not just in endemic foci, but for a wider spread of infection, there will be a change in severity. Maintaining a distance and maintaining personal hygiene, as well as controlling the people around us to meet the requirements is a civic commitment. So I want to thank my colleagues who have worked tirelessly for 70 days. Some of them are at their limit. Others became infected at work. I wish you health.
