Professor Argirova hinted at the return of the strictest measures



“We must not get tired of measures against the pandemic, although people are quite tired.” This is what virologist Prof. Radka Argirova, president of the Bulgarian Society of Medical Virology and president of the National Committee of Virology Experts of the Bulgarian Medical Union, told BNR.

According to her, this fatigue is one of the reasons for the increase in the number of people infected with COVID-19 in Bulgaria and in the world. As another reason, he pointed to the seasonal cooling, which caused people to gather indoors.

“There will be very serious anti-epidemic measures, where the level of infected people has been exceeded in the spring,” predicted Professor Argirova. He highlighted that in Bulgaria, as well as in other countries, it is reported that not the entire country is diffusely affected, but only certain areas:

“Very strict measures must be introduced into these outbreaks, including sanctions. What is the cost of everyone else’s efforts if a small group of people violate these measures and do nothing to stop the spread of this virus?” According to the virologist, it is certainly important to wear masks, which is for everyone’s benefit.

According to her, the health system has the potential to bear the burden of the current number of coronavirus-infected patients and, if necessary, patients can be hospitalized in neighboring areas, as is done around the world.

“Flexible healthcare is now needed,” said Professor Argirova. He stressed that the system in Sofia is at least ready to deal with cases of the common COVID-19 infection and flu.

Professor Radka Argirova recommended influenza vaccination, which stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies against influenza antigens, as well as the intake of natural means to strengthen the immune system.
