Professor Alexandrova alerted to a dangerous trend in K-19 and revealed details about the vaccine.


Cases of reinfection with coronavirus have been reported and the second virus has been shown to be different from the first. This was stated at BNT by the virologist Prof. Dra. Radostina Alexandrova.

“Scientific publications state that reinfection is possible. This occurs about 35 days after the first infection. It is not said whether it is a reinfection or a viral RNA. The second infection is a different virus, a different mutation and a genetic sequence.” , said.

According to her, this also has a good side, as it generates a stronger immunity. More often it is a case where the disease progresses more easily the second time.

Professor Alexandrova said that the first strain of the virus is already disappearing, in Europe there are three: 1 main and 2 subtypes.

The solution to herd immunity is the vaccine, but we must hurry sensibly. There is no way to know everything about the vaccine in a few months, added the virologist.

“Our solution for herd immunity is the vaccine. We must move reasonably quickly with vaccination. Clinical trials on vaccines continue until 2022. There is no way to have a long-term view of action in a few months. We still don’t know what it is the immune response to vaccines “. said the virologist.

We do not know if the vaccine will protect us from the virus or from the most serious disease, revealed the BAS expert.

That people do not worry, it is normal for these vaccines to come out faster, because technology allows it and companies have experience with this type of vaccine, concluded Professor Radostina Alexandrova.
