Prof. Kostov: Cured can have COVID-19 symptoms for up to 6 months


However, cured by COVID-19, there may be symptoms of the disease for up to 6 months. This was explained on NOVA air by pulmonologist Prof. Kosta Kostov. According to him, almost 97% of patients who are discharged after a severe or very severe form of COVID pneumonia suffer from various symptoms, which are no less than 5 and an average of about 14.

“The most serious complaints left in patients after COVID are from the respiratory system. It is the target organ. Studies show that no less than 50% of patients have one or more symptoms by the sixth month,” said Professor Kostov.

It turns out that there are patients without particular complaints, but when they are examined, there are discrete lasting changes in the diffusing capacity and resistance of the respiratory system.

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“I am optimistic and hope that the majority of patients will overcome these symptoms,” commented the professor.

He also commented that in Western Europe COVID-19 cases increased 2-6 times compared to spring, but the death rate decreased 3-6 times. “Mortality is declining around the world,” said Professor Kostov.

According to him, this is due to a better knowledge of the disease and the improvement of therapeutic protocols.

“In the spring, the death rate in intensive care units was 70%, now it’s 30%. In Bulgaria, however, mortality is increasing slightly. I think the hospitals here are much more seriously ill, ”explained Prof. Kostov.

The main reason for the growth of the pandemic in recent weeks is the beginning of the school year, according to the pulmonologist. However, he believes that young children should continue to attend school.

“Currently, a balanced decision has been made: the youngest stay in school and the oldest are connected. Young children would experience a lot of stress if we closed them. They have to go to school,” said the teacher.


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