Prof. Kantardjiev with incredible revelations about the K-19 peak in Sofia and when it will be scary


A bow, a bow for these people. There are no complaints, no search for tomorrow, this is what our profession requires. This was stated by Prof. Dr. Kantardzhiev on the occasion of the doctors who have not returned home for months due to the fight against the coronavirus.

“First the definition. The peak, this is the week in which we have the majority of cases, then it begins to decrease. Then we talk about the plateau. There is nothing scary. The peak in Sofia happened a few weeks ago.“The expert pointed out to bTV.

According to him, the Center for European Disease Control says that Bulgaria is the only country where the number of cases increases.

“But these are data from 3 weeks ago. In Sofia, things are already under control. We have entered the stage of emergence of individual explosions, groups. One of which is hospitals,” specified Prof. Kantardzhiv.

“From now on you need 3 things. People learned, they disciplined themselves. Thanks to this, there are so few cases. The citizens were very sensitive, they learned.

That is why the crisis is with 10 people, what if there were 100? The first cases in the Gabrovo and Pleven hospitals. 100 samples were sent which were incorrectly taken. Now they have learned“The expert specified.

He also turned to his colleagues. “The simplest principle is, colleagues, that every patient you encounter, whether with a leg or twisted bile, is treated as potentially infected. Well, it is difficult, it is difficult,” said Professor Kantardzhiev.

According to him, when talking about a test, you have to say which one. The authoritative test in which the statistics are kept: there is a definition that it must be PCR.

He explained and case of suspected reinfection.

“If the virus has descended from the throat to the lasopharynx. It may be positive, it may be recovering, or the infection may have spread to the lungs. Two foci develop in the body: in the throat and in the lungs.. The lungs are inflamed by the waste products of the infected cells, he said.

Such a thing with a coronavirus patient had not happened anywhere in Bulgaria BLITZ TV

“All countries must be able to treat with plasma. These were the first cases of flu treatment in 1918-1919. There must be a collaboration with or from the blood centers. a patient, like in MMA“Professor Kantardzhiev said.

New news for K-19 patients treated in a revolutionary way at the Military Medical Academy

Gave an example how should our behavior change.

“People in the cultures of the East just bow, don’t kiss, don’t hug. When we see our relatives, we shouldn’t rush to hug,” he said.

According to him, he is calm about the situation in our country.

“I am so calm that we speak to our colleagues at headquarters every day, we speak to politicians who are very familiar with the situation in neighboring countries.”

However, measures are needed so that we can eradicate this virus from our country this summer. Why if mixed with seasonal infections it becomes very scaryWarned.

