Prof. Ivo Petrov with a terrible prognosis for K-19, the virus attacks very badly in …


The invasive cardiologist Prof. Ivo Petrov and the pulmonologist Dr. Anna Benova have worked side by side for years. The two commented in a television interview about the damage to the heart and lungs from the coronavirus.

“The consequences after the coronavirus are many and varied and we will still learn more about it,” said pulmonologist Dr. Anna Benova.

“These for the heart and lungs go hand in hand. This is an atypical pneumonia. One that cannot be seen in other infections.

It has a reactivity of the lungs to a number of factors that the virus brings to the body. In some patients, an immune cascade is triggered that damages the lungs.

This cascade affects several vessels, including the lungs. It is associated with the cardiovascular system and large foci are formed in the lungs, which worsens the state of the lungs. This is immediate damage to the lungs, “he explained.

“Patients after the coronavirus remain for a long time with changes in the lungs. Science is not yet fully aware of how many and in which patients there will be consequences in the lungs and in which -.

There are some patients who form the so-called pulmonary fibrosis. This will permanently impair their lung function and they are still being monitored. In others, after a few months, these changes slowly return. We observed in those who were ill in February – March and in both types of patients.

Otherwise, I do not see a tendency for the situation to worsen in view of next winter. These are infected patients, not sick.

Most of the infections detected are due to the numerous tests that are carried out around the world. The health systems are already prepared and there are no serious burdens at the moment.

In addition, the measures will reduce the common flu. With enough tests to distinguish the common flu from the coronavirus, things will not get extremely complicated, “said Benova.

“We are all used to the pill that heals us,” said invasive cardiologist Prof. Ivo Petrov. “Treating this disease, which is new to us, often requires effort and resources.

Not drugs, but drugs, and can be both physicochemical in the initial phase and more severe.

The treatment of viral diseases is extremely complicated because there are no drugs for the vast majority. The miracle pill has certainly not been found.

It is believed that one of the fundamental factors is electromagnetic pollution, which leads to the activation of viruses, ”he said.

Professor Petrov insisted that we must be responsible for the situation both to ourselves and to others. “Honestly, as a parent, I have no worries when I send my son to school,” he added, commenting on coronavirus measures in schools.

“The coronavirus issue will be relevant as conclusions for at least another 20 years,” said the cardiologist.

“A virus is a physical particle with a slightly higher degree of organization, and physicochemical methods are safer to control than biological ones.

Therefore, one of the important measures is to treat the environment. To do disinfection, “warned Prof. Petrov.
