Prof. Gaidarski: Why didn’t you announce the 2006 general pandemic plan?


Prof. Radoslav Gaidarski

“In the field of health care in recent years, there have been things that should have been done long before … We have a clear lack of doctors, even more a lack of nurses … We had the stupidity during the UDF of closing schools elite by nurses, midwives, laboratory technicians, dentists We have hopes that we will improve the pay This was told to BNR by Prof. Radoslav Gaidarski, former Minister of Health.

According to him, there is no health policy and initially the teams were not prepared to fight the coronavirus, they did not have the equipment:

“So it became a paradox to have more sick medical personnel. The system was not ready.”

“In 2006, a pandemic plan was prepared until 2020, combining the efforts of various ministries and in which all the smallest details were written down. Two people at headquarters, Associate Professor Kunchev and Professor Kantardzhiev, knew each other very well. well this plan and I don’t understand why they didn’t bring it to light. “

According to Professor Radoslav Gaidarski, the main challenge for healthcare is to improve the organization: “If we continue in the same way: the number of nurses is decreasing, young doctors are disappearing, imagine what will happen in 5-10 years in Bulgaria “
