We are deeply saddened to announce that Associate Professor Dr. Svetoslava Kovacheva died on October 21, a relentless colleague, dear friend, respected scientist and lecturer, the academic staff of FJMK-SU announced on Facebook.
“His monographs on corporate communication, digital communication, communication of Bernays events to social networks, public relations strategies and tactics, systematize and present the basic and most essential elements of public communication, strategic planning and basic communication techniques and its specific manifestations in the field of the company, the media and the Internet ”, write his colleagues.
Associate Professor Svetoslava Kovacheva has established herself in the professional and academic community as a highly educated scientist, a conscientious researcher, and a lecturer loved by students and doctoral students.
A tribute to his brilliant memory!
Adjunct Professor Dr. Svetoslava Kovacheva (1974-2020) has passed away.
You posted from the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication on Thursday, October 22, 2020.