Prof.Baltov: We underestimate hidden morbidity – Diseases


People relaxed in the summer and the second wave of COVID-19 caught us off guard. This is the opinion of the director of UMHAT “Pirogov” Prof. Asen Baltov.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 17763

“We underestimate the hidden morbidity and the prevalence in schools and kindergartens. After the wave flooded us and literally filled hospitals in 10 days, we saw that it was much more serious, with a much more violent virus, “he said. he.

According to him, the second wave of COVID-19 even took us literally.

He told Bulgaria live his firm belief that thanks to vaccines the situation will be easier. Baltov himself was one of the first to be vaccinated. He recalled that the second dose of the Pfizer and Biontech product must be administered 21 days after the first.

“With our personal experience we will show that vaccination is necessary. We all know what vaccines are, how smallpox has disappeared ”, added the professor.

Baltov also predicts new traffic rules that will require the vaccine.

“Perhaps in 6 months there will be other rules for globalization and foreign travel. There may be vaccination passports and QR codes that allow us to travel. If, for example, Greece requires vaccines, otherwise you cannot visit the country”. “Will the percentage of dissatisfied people remain the same then?” Asked Baltov.

The professor insists that doctors are the heroes of 2020. He pointed out that they have faced the difficult task, but have a serious accumulated fatigue.

Professor Angelov with details on vaccines, four complained of side effects

Regarding the disagreements among coronavirus specialists, Professor Baltov noted:

“We laugh with our colleagues that in the next parliament we will have between 40 and 50 doctors who will be deputies. Because now everyone will try to attract doctors to become deputies. I think there will be serious health care reforms.”

However, he himself does not see himself at this stage of politics.

“I cannot comment on a proposal for a future health minister right now, especially since the current health minister is a serious man who is doing a very good job. The opinion of the experts has nothing to do with politics. I think that there will be reforms. Structural hospitals should become something like columns of medical care that will carry the greatest weight, “added Baltov.

All on the topic:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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